Saturday, May 18, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 4

Castration Warehouse - Part Four

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


Jack whimpered and trembled as the dire reality of his situation sank in. One of the other men worked to pull the invading copper dildo out of the young man’s recently plundered ass, while two others worked in tandem to free the metal circle from around the lad’s purple-hued cock head, which had retracted into its thick hood of foreskin as his mighty phallus had finally gone mostly soft. Meanwhile, Mitch walked over to the peg board, and came back with two large, identical devices. Both included a pair of thick, parallel plates of clear Plexiglas, each one about eight inches square in size and connected by a metal handle and screw. Even Jack, who was naive to torture devices and CBT, immediately knew what these two devices were for, and he once again began to babble and beg for mercy. 

Mitch ignored the young man’s tearful and terrified pleas, and instead explained the purpose of the two objects in his hands. “These clever devices are ball compression vises. A man’s balls are placed between these two clear plates, and then the handle is slowly turned, sandwiching the testicles and slowly crushing them flatter and flatter. The compression can cause a tremendous amount of pain, but there’s little risk of actual permanent damage to a man’s testicles as long as one is careful, as the resilient little organs are actually quite tough and malleable, and can be crushed almost completely flat before they’re in serious danger of rupturing. That’s why I like to start with the vises — we don’t want to start seriously damaging your big boy balls too early in the evening, now, would we?” 

The big blond looked down at the two vises in his hands and back at Jack’s humongous, dangling balls and said, “Normally, just one of these vises would be more than sufficient to accommodate both of a man’s nuts. But of course, with balls as freakishly enormous as yours, there’s no way we can fit them both into just one vise, even the extra large vises I’ve got here. So instead, we’ll have to force each of your balls into a separate vise, and crush ‘em down one at a time.” 

With that, Mitch knelt down in front of the bound football jock and, with the help of several of the other men, started stuffing Jack’s two massive nuts into the vises. But even when the devices were opened to their maximum setting, the young man’s behemoth bollocks were simply too large to easily fit between the two open plates. Mitch and the other men therefore had to get rather forceful, roughly prodding at Jack’s big balls with their thick fingers, and causing the two firm but malleable orbs to warp and bend as they were stuffed into the too narrow space. But with a sufficient amount of elbow grease — accompanied by a lot of grunting and groaning from the young stud himself — Jack’s twin bollocks were soon encased between the Plexiglas plates, already partway flattened and looking even more enormous than ever. 

Over the course of the next hour, the five men continued roughly stroking and exploring Jack’s utterly magnificent body, while also taking turns cranking down the handles on the two vises and gradually compressing the screaming lad’s mammoth testicles harder and harder between the twin sets of clear plates. They were clearly getting off on their work, all five of their cocks were rock hard and dripping throughout the long ordeal, while poor Jack had never been in such agony in his entire life. Mitch had been correct; forcing Jack to shoot his loads until his balls were finally empty had indeed made them even more exquisitely sensitive, and the intense crushing pressure in his slowly flattening balls was beyond intense. The young man writhed and bucked most erotically in his restraints, his glorious muscles flexing and bunching in a delicious symphony of pain, and his expressions of agony and despair made his perfect face even more ridiculously handsome. 

Before long, Jack’s huge bull nuts had been squashed so flat that their beefy meat was starting to protrude out all four sides of each vise, big dark red bubbles of testicular tissue bulging most obscenely as the heart of each ball was crushed flatter and flatter. The men eagerly poked and prodded at these bulging masses of bollock meat, enjoying the cries of agony that such relatively gentle touch elicited from the horribly distorted orbs. And when Mitch engulfed two of those ball segments, one in each huge hand, and squeezed down hard, the shriek of animal agony torn from poor Jack’s lungs was like music to their ears. 

While Jack was screaming and crying and begging, one of the men began coating his own angrily engorged cock with lube, looking hungrily at the gorgeous, smooth, virgin mounds of Jack’s gloriously muscular ass. The man took up position behind the writhing stud and pressed his huge, naked body against Jack’s sweat-slickened back, wedging his big lubed cock vertically in the deep crack of the young man’s flexing and quivering ass. The young man began to beg and plead with renewed vigor as he felt the man’s very large cock fucking the length of his muscular crack, but he knew with a sick certainty that there was nothing that he could say or do — he knew his virgin ass was about to get defiled. 

At first, though, the man just stood there and let Jack’s body do all of the work. With each turn of the crank on either of the ball vises, Jack’s body would involuntarily writhe and buck and twist and turn against the unreal agony, causing his sweat- and lube-slickened ass to ride up and down the other man’s rock hard rod, giving the man’s cock a nice workout. 

Noticing the lad’s urgent pleas for mercy, Mitch tauntingly responded, “What’s the matter, Jack? Do you mean to tell me that no one has ever fucked that magnificent muscle butt of yours before?! Now that’s a downright shame! But don’t worry, my buddy here is gonna bust your cherry real good!” 

The man riding Jack’s ass crack was now so turned on that he was engorged to the point of pain, and wrapping both of his arms across the lad’s thickly muscled chest, he pulled back and then rammed his cock to the hilt inside of Jack’s tight ass in one mighty thrust. The young football jock howled in fresh agony and humiliation as he felt his anal virginity get violently destroyed. But in truth, the pain in his squashed balls far exceeded the burning ache in his violated butt, and the beautiful boy could only sob and writhe in response. 

As the big, brawny muscle man fucked him, though, an amazing thing happened. The hammering of the man’s blunt cock head against Jack’s prostate sent the lad’s battered libido into overdrive, and to the amazement of both the young man and his five brutal torturers, Jack’s limp and floppy cock began to once again engorge and swell with blood. In defiance of the soul-rending pain coming from his pancaking balls, Jack’s cock was soon back to record-shattering size and hardness, waving ponderously before him almost like a fifth limb. 

The other men laughed and cheered at this unexpected turn of events, playfully smacking and slapping Jack’s granite hard cock around even as they continued to squash his balls and their friend vigorously and thoroughly fucked his unbelievably beautiful ass. 

Jack’s ass was extremely muscular and tight, and the fucking brute hadn’t cum in over a week, so the rutting muscle bull quickly realized that he wasn’t going to last very long under such intense and sustained pleasure. At the same time, Jack’s youthful virility was also taking an unprecedented beating, sending the young man hurtling toward the cliff of yet another orgasm. 

The devastatingly handsome stud could finally take no more, and he threw back his head and let out a howl of ecstatic agony as his huge, 14.5-inch mega cock began to ejaculate for the seventh time that night. And to his captors’ immense surprise, instead of the weak trickle of watered down spunk that they expected after having so recently draining the lad’s bollocks bone dry, they were met with a violent and forceful purging of baby batter nearly on par with his first two orgasms of the night! Extremely thick bolts of nut sludge rocketed out of Jack’s cock with tremendous power, once again painting thick lines of goo almost halfway to the metal door. 

It seemed utterly impossible, but Jack’s phenomenally virile balls really had recharged in the short time since their recent draining, and were proving their worth once again by pumping out a true stallion load of fresh stud seed! 

The rhythmic and powerful clenching of the lad’s muscular bowels was more than the fucking thug could take, and he followed right on Jack’s heels, clutching the younger man’s gorgeous body tight in a bone-cracking bear hug as he buried his cock to the hilt, let out a mighty growl, and pumped his own spunk deep inside the young lad’s chiseled guts. It was one of the most massive and intense orgasms of the big man’s life, yet even once his ejaculation was complete and he was huffing to regain his breath, Jack continued to buck and spew out the remainder of his astoundingly massive load. 

The other four men all whooped and hollered after an exhausted and slumped Jack dribbled out the remains of his seventh load of the night, high fiving each other. The fifth man, who had just finished blowing his own load into Jack’s tight, muscular ass, actually pressed his face against Jack’s sweat-slick, muscular back and hugged him tight, planting a kiss on his skin before finally releasing him and pulling out his still more than half hard cock. 

By now, barely an inch separated the plates on each of the two vises, compressing the trapped balls down to a fraction of their normal, coconut-sized girth, and squishing a significant amount of ball meat out each of the four sides of the vises. But Mitch deemed that Jack’s big, beefy balls could take even more pressure, and he personally took over the crank handles of both devices, slowly turning both handles simultaneously as he looked up with lustful hunger at the young man’s crying, writhing body. Mitch’s own enormous, 13-inch bull cock was powerfully throbbing and leaking long streamers of clear precum, showing that the man was obviously mightily turned on by the power that he had over the captive muscle jock and his impossibly huge manhood. 

The two sets of plates drew steadily closer and closer together, shrinking the space between them and brutally crushing Jack’s balls. By this point, it looked like more nut meat had been squeezed out the edges of the plates than still remained trapped between them, grossly distorting both oblong orbs into shapes that nature had never intended. And STILL Mitch continued crushing them, seemingly heedless of the fact that he was driving Jack’s balls closer and closer to catastrophic destruction. 

Less than half an inch now separated the plates. The flesh caught between the two plates was blanched until it was nearly white, all of the blood literally crushed out of them, while the huge bulging bubbles of nut meat extruding out the sides of the devices were now such a dark red that they were verging on purple. And STILL Mitch kept right on crushing them! 

Finally, with a bare quarter inch separating both sets of plates, the big blond brute finally stopped turning the screws. Jack was now howling and screaming continuously, his incredibly tough and resilient bollocks feeling like they were just a hairsbreadth away from cracking and fracturing under the extreme pressure. The plates had completely squeezed all of the blood out of the heart of Jack’s gigantic balls, while the bulging bubbles of protruding nut meat were turning a dark and vibrant purple with old, trapped blood. 

Mitch released both vises, letting the heavy devices hang from Jack’s balls and pulling the pancaked organs down an extra inch or so. He then joined the other men in stroking and fondling the young man’s utterly glorious and magnificent body, even as the vises continued to slowly choke the lad’s squashed balls to death. Mitch and the others would occasionally flick at Jack’s distorted bollocks with their thick fingers, eliciting barks and yelps of even greater pain from the profoundly suffering stud and enjoying the way that the added pain made the young man’s spectacularly chiseled abdomen flex and bunch into even greater relief. It was the most beautiful midsection that any of the men had ever seen, so chiseled and defined and shredded that they almost didn’t look real, and they all took turns feeling up on that spectacular 8-pack washboard as it quivered and flexed in response to the searing agony tearing through his guts. 

The expert torturers rode the razor’s edge of testicular destruction for a seeming eternity. Jack’s valiantly straining balls remained on the brink of cataclysmic rupture the entire time, their throbbing pain gradually increasing as they were starved of oxygen and nutrients by the crushing pressure of the Plexiglas plates. The sobbing young jock was convinced that his captors were simply going to let his precious balls die on the vine, but Mitch was an absolute maestro at judging a man’s resilience, and he knew that he could push Jack’s virile and breathtakingly powerful body to extremes that he’d never dreamed of before with any other man. 

As if to prove his utter mastery, Mitch knelt before Jack once more and took up both of the dangling vises. He then looked up and met the young man’s terrified gaze, smiled, and gave both cranks a short, sharp twist. Jack threw back his head and screamed in abject agony as his pancaked nuts were flattened even further, sick and disturbing crunching sounds emanating from their beefy interiors. Grunting with the effort, Mitch then turned the cranks one, two, three more times, redlining Jack’s balls beyond any possible limits as even louder crunching and cracking sounds came from the doomed and dying man eggs. They were about to burst at any moment! 

Mitch then held the vises up higher, displaying them to his eager compatriots. They all grinned knowingly at one another, and with unspoken gestures assigned two bubbles of protruding nut meat to each of the four big men. Then, clenching their hands into huge, hard-knuckled fists, the four muscle giants launched simultaneous full force punches into all eight of the bulging, straining chunks of bulging ball flesh. 


Jack’s scream was caught in his throat, for it felt like a nuclear bomb had just detonated inside of his pulverized nuts. His beautiful blue eyes nearly bugged out of his head as the most insanely intense pain imaginable threatened to rip his mind apart. His handsome face became beet red, enormous veins bulging in his thick and beefy bison neck as his entire body quivered in the most magnificent full-bodied flex yet. The four men continued to grind their bony knuckles into the various lumps of tortured man flesh, forcing the incredibly tough and dense tissues to bend and warp even further. Foamy spittle shot out of Jack’s beautiful lips, his jaw clenched tight, his breathing stopped. It was enough agony to stop a man’s heart and kill him outright, and indeed the staggeringly handsome hunk looked like he was about to croak. 

Then, at a barked signal from Mitch, all four men removed their invading fists and he hit the quick release on the vises, allowing the plates to quickly snap back open to their maximum setting in a matter of seconds. Blood flow rushed back into both nearly busted organs as they instantly plumped back up as much as the confining plates would allow. Every nerve ending inside of Jack’s gasping nuts screamed in unison as blood and oxygen were restored to the rapidly re-expanded organs, and the agony was so unbelievably intense that Jack’s mighty heart did indeed skip a few beats. A choked cry burst from Jack’s drooling lips, and then his entire form went completely limp, his handsome head falling bonelessly forward onto his massive, sweaty chest. 

At first, no signs of life came from the stunning young man, not a movement, not a twitch, not even the soft rise and fall of his breathing. Mitch bolted upright and placed three thick fingers along one side of the lad’s extraordinarily beefy neck, concern on his face as he felt for the young man’s pulse. For several long seconds, the other four men looked on with growing worry, fearing that they had pushed their captive too far and that he had expired under the beyond brutal ball torture. But Mitch finally breathed a sigh of relief as he felt a slow but strong pulse in the lad’s neck, and saw him take his first slow, ragged breath. Jack had indeed survived. 

Mitch then squatted down to inspect the unconscious lad’s behemoth balls, which were still trapped inside the opened jaws of the too-small vises. Wrapping his fingers around the neck of the young man’s dangling scrotum, the big blond roughly worked first one then the other testicle free of their Plexiglas prisons, allowing them to plump back up to full size and swing freely once more, and then began inspecting them for damage. His blunt fingers roughly poked and prodded the mammoth sex organs, looking for telltale signs of cracks or fractures, but was pleased to discover that both enormous bollocks were still almost entirely intact. These were sturdy bollocks indeed! There were a rosy red from the recent abuse, but otherwise completely hale and whole!

For now. 


  1. Jack really is a superstud to have made all that cum so soon. Poor man probably wishes they did not know that. Good descriptions of Jack's reactions here. Enjoyed how his muscles shuddering made him fuck himself on his rapist and how the gang is feeling up his chest and abs while torturing him. Very hot.

    1. Oh yeah, Jack is a walking, talking sperm bank! His bullish bollocks can crank out prime stud spunk at an INSANE rate! And so glad that you are enjoying the descriptions! :D

  2. I do so love plexiglass ball crushers. Intense flattening with complete visibility.
    Delicious chapter!

    1. Yeah, I particularly love the full visibility of it all. Being able to see in minute detail how a man's heavy bollocks are squashing flatter and flatter between the two plates, causing agonizing pain. >:)

  3. I imagine if this happen to young guy who already married and try to having kids

    1. What a shame, all of his precious sperm going to waste!

    2. Its cruel but erotic when someone try to destroy a young hero feeling as future father.. The try to destroy his babies inside his testicles

    3. I think all of these huge muscle men recognize an even greater male in young Jack, and they feel a primal urge to remove him from the gene pool competition. Can you imagine the feeling of pure erotic power you would have if you were holding the massive testicles of the world's hottest and most perfect man in your hands?!? YOU get to decide if he survives intact to possibly mate another day... or gets removed from the gene pool messily and permanently! >:)
