Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Breaking Brock's Rocks - Jayse Version - DELETED

Upon reflection and reviewing comments posted by readers, I have chosen to permanently delete this story from my blog. Apologies for any offense given. 



  1. I cant wait the other boys try to ruin brock's dream to fuck the girl he loved till pregnant.

    1. do you like that sort of thing? where the other boys have their way while his offspring are left dormant in his balls?

    2. Yeaaah... Its erotic when the strong n beautifull one cant impregnate women n getting torture but the the other can..

  2. In the novel 'The Power of One' by Bryce Courtenay, there is a scene were the protagonist is bullied by being forced to lift and hold a iron pipe repeatedly till exhaustion. When the bullies notice he has less difficult, they increase the weight, and inadvertently start building his muscles up, described latter as "pretty big from the bar torture sessions".

    If Brock recovered from his first ordeal just as virile as ever, then I can only imagine the reaction of those mean-spirited boys when they drive his body into increased bullification and studification and turn him into nothing but a mountain of muscle with a breeder cock attached.

    How about collecting his jism in condom water balloons or hosing down gorgeous women with his sperm to prank him and the whole town with excessive fathered offspring, both inherited their fathers strength and their mothers beauty.

    The faculty are probably all evil studnappers that relish the sight of muscle with absolutely crushed willpower

    1. I am aware of both the book and the movie by that title, and though I've never read/seen either one, I've had the soundtrack for several decades now -- great musical score!

      And can I just say that I LOVE the terms "bullification" and "studification"!? May I use those terms in a future story? And yes, I love the idea of the other male students pushing and punishing Brock until he's even more massive and muscular than ever, and is resigned to his role as nothing more than a breeding bull.

      Great ideas, Robyn, and thank you for your comments!

    2. You certainly can borrow those terms! I also recommend 'studnapping' and exposure of heroic jocks to lechery while their balls are distended and stretched out into super vulnerable bull bullocks

    3. My god all of those suggestions are so hot. You're gonna make me cum buckets with all of that!

  3. This original story was on :)

  4. Original story was on :)

  5. You lost me on this one. Especially with it being written that Brock is 16. Work of fiction or not, that's not cool.

    1. What lost me was the f/m ballbusting. Like it's so weird why so many m/m ballbusting blogs post straight storys once in while. There is already more than plenty straight content, so this is just confusing when you consider that probably the majority of the audience consists of gay men.

    2. I understand your comments, Noah, and upon further reflection I agree with them, and will be deleting this story post presently. The story as originally written had the two young ladies as 18 year old high school students, and it seemed that Brock needed to be younger than them in order to make him feel subordinate to them. But you're right, making him under 18 years of age was not cool, and I regret that decision.

      DMC, I appreciate your comments as well. I am also a gay man, and so I also gravitate toward reading and writing m/m content. However, I occasionally enjoy a story about a straight man being used and abused by women, and I'm sorry if that theme doesn't appeal to you. Hopefully there will be more stories in the future that will be more to your taste.

    3. Thank you Jayse, for a multitude of reasons that I believe are self evident thank you.

    4. its unfortunate that a little detail like that can cause problems. I hope this can get a remake with the ages shifted upward with a little editing.

      I was wondering if there was ever going to be a post to share ideas and suggestions for editing and creating new stories

  6. While I personally would agree that I'm not comfortable reading high school and minor stories, what I WILL say is that users like DevilMayCry have no business trying to dictate the genders/orientations of characters and stories on your blog.

    Who's to say you don't have some bisexual readers who would enjoy both? Personally, I'm also a gay man who enjoys some f/m stories from time to time.

    If you're inspired to write a story involving women, you should feel free to do so. It your platform, and suggesting that females existing in your stories ruins the content is bigoted.

    Just my two cents.

    TL;DR Minors are a big no for me, but you I won't stop following your blog because of the occasional straight story.

  7. That's so unfortunate! That was one of your best stories in my opinion. More dark and not do happily ever after as a majority of your stories. Though I can understand the point about the age I'm still disappointed the story got deleted. It was so hot ((
