Saturday, June 29, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 10

Castration Warehouse - Part Ten

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


Early morning sunlight was now streaming through upper windows, bathing the room in a warm golden light, and making Jack Samson’s bound and weakly struggling form even more magically stunning and beautiful. Despite all of the horrific abuses he had suffered that night, and all of the bruises, welts, and lacerations that marred his once-perfect flesh, the enormously muscular young college jock still looked as magnificent as ever, perhaps even more so. 

While the other men used the brief break to put away their canes and other instruments of torture, Mitch knelt down between Jack’s wide-spread legs and started undoing all of the bindings that were keeping his profoundly bruised and battered testicles stretched down to the very ends of their straining fleshy tethers. The big blond bull of a man first untied the three ropes anchoring Jack’s bulging bollocks to the floor, and then he began slowly unwinding the rope that was coiled about the greatly elongated neck of his scrotum, gradually releasing the terrific tension on the lad’s terribly ill-used testicles. When he was done and Jack’s humongous balls were once again allowed to hang free, Mitch was surprised to discover that the massive gonads were now sagging down even lower in their sac than ever before. Maybe even permanently — not that that would matter for much longer — the extraordinary resiliency of even the lad’s mighty ball cords and cables finally starting to wane. The sight was powerfully erotic to the big blond giant, and a cruel smirk twisted his handsome lips as he lightly swatted the gigantic and unspeakably meaty ballbag, causing it to swing ponderously between Jack’s immense thighs. 

Mitch stood up and turned to the other big muscle men, saying, “We’ve got a bona fide he-man on our hands here. This handsome lad has endured everything that we’ve dished out, and he’s so far survived with his manhood almost completely intact. We therefore have the unprecedented opportunity to really pull out all the stops, and give him everything we’ve got. Boys, it’s time that we scramble some eggs!” 

The other four men moved forward to surround Jack, evil and malicious grins splitting their faces, while Mitch stood back and crossed his big arms, apparently content to just watch. The four huge muscle thugs started flexing their fists and eyeing over the quivering young man’s utterly magnificent body, picking out their favorite targets. 

And then they began to use the bound stud’s extraordinarily muscular body as a human punching bag. 

All four men were immensely strong and they no longer held back, striking the muscular college jock’s defenseless body with eager and reckless abandon, and pummeling nearly every part of his thrashing and quaking form. The thick and very beefy smacking sounds of bare-knuckled fists impacting with incredibly thick and rock solid muscles was soon echoing throughout the large room, accompanied by the grunts, cries, and moans of the unfortunate stud himself. Favorite targets included his deep and muscular armpits, where they would grind their knuckles and dig the lush pit hair into the lad’s tender and welted flesh; his beefy and mounding pecs, taking extra care to mash his bruised, blistered, and bleeding nipples; his bulging upper arms, trying to pulverize those massive and beautifully carved muscles and reduce them to mush; his densely muscular back, already covered in a multitude of welts and lacerations; and his exquisitely carved flanks and midsection, trying to cave in his muscular belly and shatter his internal organs. They even pummeled and punished his gloriously muscular legs, hammering his hamstrings, pounding his inner thighs, clobbering his quads, and clubbing his calves. 

The fists were falling like near constant hammer blows, landing hard enough to rend flesh and break bones on any other man. But Jack’s enormously muscular body was built of such ferociously strong and sturdy stuff that his great beefy bulk endured even this most brutal of abuses. Deep bruises of angry red and vibrant purple were erupting all over his majestic body, but the great muscles girding his large frame repelled even the most powerful of blows. 

The same could not be said for Jack’s far more vulnerable cock and balls. 

While the four men greatly enjoyed using Jack’s ridiculously muscular body as a beefy sand bag, their focus was of course on the young lad’s already heavily bruised and battered genitalia, and there was always at least one thug slugging the kid’s massive meat and potatoes. Punching Jack’s cock was often a two-man affair, with one muscular brute holding a tight double-handed grip on a section of the thick, vein-gnarled shaft, and the other hammering his fists into the throttled and strangled meat. Fists pounded into the root of the great organ, trying to tear it loose from its tight moorings. Punches rained straight down into the center of the cock shaft, trying to snap the incredibly girthy tool in half. Knuckles dug deep into the shiny, glistening, bloated bulb of Jack’s cock head, mashing hard into the spongy tissues. Jack’s monumentally tumescent cock continued to somehow endure, but it was taking a hell of a beating. 

The young man’s colossal balls fared even worse as they were continuously slugged and pummeled from every possible direction, racking up even more bruises as the traumatized tissues were forced to warp and bend into ever more unnatural shapes, the dense and beefy flesh slowly but steadily softening up more and more. Poor Jack was reduced to making animal sounds of pure agony, great screeches and thundering bellows emanating from the depths of his thick, muscle-plated chest as he was forced to endure greater levels of pain than he had thought humanly possible. His great sperm tanks started swelling in earnest now, the unbelievably heavy abuse reaching right down to the very core of each mammoth orb, causing trauma and damage throughout their absolutely enormous mass. 

Incredibly, this absolutely merciless pummeling continued for nearly two solid hours, with young Jack’s magnificent body absorbing enough abuse to kill a hundred men. The four big thugs were finally forced to take a break, each of them panting in exertion themselves, having just had the greatest workout of their lives. The hunky and handsome college jock hung almost motionless in his chains, an occasional spasm or shudder running through his horribly battered body, nearly comatose with the pain. His formerly beyond perfect physique was now a beautiful wreck, his entire form a mass of bruises and welts and lacerations and swollen tissues, only his achingly handsome face left untouched and pristine. His great cock, still impossibly hard after his ordeal, looked just as bruised and battered as the rest of his weary body, but managed to not lose an ounce of its power or turgid magnificence. His behemoth balls were so outrageously mauled and mangled as to not even resemble a pair of human testicles anymore. Now glowing an almost uniformly vibrant purple so dark as to almost be black, the titanic testicles had swollen and bloated to nearly twice their original size from all of the terrific trauma they’d sustained, leaving coconuts far behind to approach the size of the very largest of ostrich eggs. Jack’s balls had swollen to their absolute maximum size, looking like they were ready to rip open the fibrous outer walls straining to contain their bloated contents, and spill their mangled guts into his battered ballsac. Previously invisible veins along the surface of each nut were now bloated to monstrous size as well and protruded all over their goliath mass, making it look like scores of thick dark worms were wriggling all over each rotund ball. 

Mitch stepped forward and began a new digital inspection of the handsome lad’s hideously bloated balls, and he grinned in satisfaction as his fingers were now able to plunge deep into the formerly turgid and extraordinarily — one might even say unnaturally — solid flesh. The two testes were amazingly still unbroken and structurally intact, but they had softened up dramatically under the unrelenting abuse, wearing down a tremendous amount of their freakish power and resilience. But the big blond bull could sense some significant reserves of strength still locked inside of those huge cajones, and so he prepared to take his own turn at the human punching bag. 

The big man cocked back his left fist, the muscles of his arm bulging and swelling to ridiculously gigantic proportions, and then sent his massive fist shooting forward with terrifying speed and power, colliding directly with the center of Jack’s monstrously bloated right nut. Jack’s handsome head snapped back and his beautiful blue eyes flew open in a look of almost comical surprise and shock, for it felt like his right bollock had just been punched right out of his bag to strike the brick wall dozens of yards behind him. He was just sucking in a huge lungful of air to scream when Mitch launched a brutal upper cut with his right fist, crushing his left testicle dangerously flat against his muscular crotch. Jack found his voice and uttered his most window-vibrating bellow of agony yet, as it felt like a nuclear bomb had just exploded inside of his dark purple, gruesomely bloated ballsac. 

The testicular punishment that followed was a vicious assault of truly epic proportions on the young man’s steadily failing manhood, an attack of such violence and utter lack of mercy that it was difficult to describe. The big blond thug was by far the strongest man in the room, likely one of the strongest men in the entire world, and he used every ounce of that muscular power to hammer and pound the lad’s screaming, swelling testicles. Even the other four brutes, eager as they were to destroy the gorgeous young man’s gigantic balls, had to occasionally wince or flinch in sympathetic pain themselves whenever Mitch landed a particularly vicious punch, which was often. 

An average man’s delicate testicles couldn’t have hoped to survive even ONE such annihilating blow, let alone the dozens, and then scores, and then HUNDREDS of pistoning bare-knuckled punches that Jack’s already redlining nuts were receiving. The tortured lad could only sob and scream and thrash as his weakening balls were struck and pounded from every direction, shock waves of destructive force reverberating throughout their vast and voluminous interiors even as the next blow hit. It seemed utterly impossible that any object made solely of flesh and blood could survive such insane levels of abuse, let alone a man’s unprotected testicles, but Jack’s mighty meaty balls somehow endured, valiantly holding onto their crumbling structural integrity even as their remaining strength and resilience was being literally pounded right out of them. 

Mitch was a true maestro when it came to testicular torture, and he knew how to run that very fine line between punishment and destruction, while maximizing the pain that his subjects suffered. And NO ONE had ever before suffered as much as Jack was suffering now. The handsome young muscle bull was simply MADE for torture and hard abuse, his exquisite physique and gargantuan genitals able to endure extremes of brutality that would outright slay a lesser mortal. Mitch was having the greatest time of his life as he further scrambled the handsome college jock’s monumentally oversized spunk bunkers, steadily turning them into hamburger meat, and he only wished that he had a hundred such magnificent studs to use and abuse, for he knew that he would never see Jack’s like again. 

The big blond pugilist made sure to land his punches evenly across all of that enormous volume of prime testicular real estate, careful to not strike the same spot too many times for fear of causing the thick and fibrous outer wall to crack and cave in too soon. Nevertheless, despite his unequalled skill, Mitch was pushing the extreme outer limits of those mighty balls’ tolerance, and it was as much a testament to Jack’s super human strength and resilience as it was Mitch’s skill that the lad’s big boulder balls didn’t prematurely break under the hideous onslaught of abuse. 

After more than twenty minutes and well over a THOUSAND punches right to the gonads, a lust-crazed Mitch suddenly wrapped his huge left hand around the long neck of Jack’s scrotum and violently yanked his titanic testicles forward, very nearly ripping the beyond-bloated sex organs from Jack’s straining crotch. He then took his huge right fist and slammed it downward full force onto the trapped organs with pulverizing force, striking right into the seam between the two hulking huevos and therefore hammering both battered sex glands at once. The bloated and bulging organs were instantly crushed more than halfway flat, forced to absorb every ounce of the thunderous blow, and the piteous howl that escaped from Jack’s ragged throat made the other thugs laugh and smile in delight. Mitch brought his fist down like a pile driver again, and again, and once again, each time dramatically flattening the now disturbingly soft and yielding orbs. 

With a rictus of a grin etched across his ruggedly handsome face, Mitch threw himself into the task, his fist becoming a blurred piston as he unleashed his greatest orgy of abuse yet on the trapped balls. The big blond was steadily pounding Jack’s stones into rubble, and he was loving every minute of it. The solid and beefy thuds of the earlier punches had long since become wet and messy splats, the gigantic testicles feeling like oval spheres of warm oatmeal beneath Mitch’s pounding fists. Any blow seemed to be the one destined to shatter the young man’s failing nuts, but somehow, incredibly, impossibly, they continued to stoically endure, doggedly refusing to burst. 

The beyond brutal piston punches continued for at least five minutes, though it must have felt like an eternity in the lowest pits of Hell to poor Jack. Wherever the blond thug’s fist would land, the young man’s deeply bruised nut meat would cave in, denting profoundly as the invading fist drove knuckles first into the throbbing heart of his failing manhood. Mitch would then haul his fist out of the hideously distorted shapes of the two tortured testes, and before the beleaguered orbs even had a chance to rebound into something approaching their normal ovoid shapes, the huge blond ball wrecker was slamming his huge fist into the profoundly wounded nut meat from yet another direction. It was a testicular slaughter of legendary proportions. 

Mitch finally came up for air, releasing Jack’s utterly mangled nuts and gasping to regain his own breath, his own achingly hard 13-inch bull cock sticking out straight before him and leaking an extraordinary amount of glistening precum. His fevered gaze drank in the staggeringly erotic sight of the handsome muscle hunk, his glorious body bruised and battered from neck to toes, his massive battered cock still a raging hardon of hot steel, and his hideously savaged and mutilated ballsac looking like a huge, heavy, purple sack of ground chuck. Mitch had somehow managed to coax a bit more swelling out of Jack’s nuts, such that each goliath gonad had now more than doubled in size, exceeding even the lofty dimensions of the largest of ostrich eggs. 

Mitch reached down to cradle Jack’s giant goolies, filling even his enormous hands to well beyond overflowing, and squeezed their mushy contents. Hard. His thick fingers dug deep into the heavily traumatized tissues, making the big blond bull grin even bigger, and he pulped and palpated those huge orbs for several minutes, really digging his strong digits deep into Jack’s nut flesh. But after several long minutes of thorough digital examination, Mitch couldn’t find any significant cracks or breaks in the walls of either of Jack’s titanically swollen nuts, and could only conclude that the lad’s gigantic bollocks were miraculously, impossibly, still largely intact! The kid’s behemoth balls just didn’t know when to quit! They were serious gluttons for punishment! Mitch could hardly wait to harm them even more! 

The big man finally released Jack’s profoundly worked-over balls and placed his left hand around the back of the young man’s thick bison neck, pulling the young man’s handsome sweat- and tear-stained head down until their foreheads touched. “Oh Jack,” Mitch breathed into the young man’s face, his already deep voice thickened with unbridled lust, “what a magnificent stud you are! We’ve messed up those bull balls of yours something good, but those fuckers are still ALIVE! Heavily damaged, and probably wrecked for good, but still whole and solid! Fuck, boy, you’re a BEAST, plain and simple, and I only wish we had more time to play with you.” 

Mitch then lifted his right knee slowly upward into Jack’s low-hanging mass of mangled ball flesh, toying with the massive sac and gently grinding the swollen mass into the young man’s groin. 

“Now Jack, I want you to watch me ram my knee into your nuts. I want you to bear witness as I massacre what’s left of your huge balls, and murder all of your unborn children. Come on, Jack, count with me!” Handsome Jack could only wearily sob in response, his eyes staring down in horror and despair at the outrageously muscular leg cocked back and ready to slam into his nearly broken nuts. 

With a loud grunt and a mighty heave, Mitch drove his big bony knee with pulverizing force directly into Jack’s throbbing nuts, instantly pancaking the dark purple orbs against the young man’s chiseled and muscular crotch. The blow was so devastating that it very nearly drove all of the air out of Jack’s big lungs, and his beautiful blue eyes bulged comically from his head as he suffered the incalculable agony of that single knee strike. 

Wrapping his gargantuan arms around Jack’s shoulders and neck to keep his balance, Mitch continued the butchering of the young stud’s manhood by alternating his knees back and forth, thrusting them full force into the howling lad’s groin again and again and again. The resulting carnage was greater than any abuse that had come before, with Mitch landing blows so powerful that even Jack’s hale and hearty balls from almost 12 hours earlier would have been hard pressed to survive. Perversely, both of their monster cocks remained rock hard and dripping throughout the bollock-breaking bloodbath, rubbing hard against the other man’s washboard abdomen and leaving glistening trails of crystalline precum on each other’s bodies. 

Mitch was no longer holding anything back, not trying to preserve Jack’s testicles any more as he pounded away at the young man’s gargantuan nuts, seeking nothing less than their complete and utter liquidation. The feel of those hot, huge, mushy nuts collapsing against the enormous muscles of his bare thighs over and over and over again shot the blond bull to stratospheric levels of erotic ecstasy that he’d never imagined before, which only spurred him to even greater efforts. Mitch knew that he must have long since extinguished any lingering remnant of the epic stud’s super human virility by this point, but he wouldn’t settle for anything less than the complete annihilation and extermination of those two titanic testicles. 

But Jack’s herculean nuts valiantly and stubbornly refused to break, despite having now been reduced to the consistency of Jell-o. 

“WHY!! WON’T!! YOU!! BREAK!!!” Mitch bellowed as he landed his hardest knee slams yet, threatening to shatter Jack’s pelvis in the process. 

With a final, almighty knee slam, Mitch buried his entire thigh into the nearly liquid orbs, grinding his leg with pulverizing strength into the almost completely flattened gonads and threatening to pop them once and for all. 

That final blow must have triggered something deep in Jack’s hideously mangled sexual plumbing, for the young man suddenly and unexpectedly hit orgasm for the first time in several hours, and his thirteenth orgasm of his captivity. 

Mitch and the other men had long since concluded that young Jack had already been effectively rendered into a eunuch, his mighty spunk bunkers reduced to an impotent mass of wrecked and ruined flesh. But the breathtakingly handsome young man was about to prove them all wrong, in a very big way. 

A sudden gush of wet and sloppy heat exploded against Mitch’s chest and abs, and he looked down in shocked wonder in time to see Jack’s trapped cock release a second massive pulse of thick and creamy sperm between their two muscular bodies. Even as the big blond thug continued to saw his enormous thigh into the young man’s flattened orbs, Jack’s monstrous stallion cock belched out what was quickly proving to be his biggest and most powerful load of the entire night. Truly humongous ropes and ribbons of blindingly white cum spurted out messily from between their two enormously muscular bodies, and even more slugs and globs of the funky and smelly effluent dripped down from between their joined crotches to splatter loudly into the veritable ocean of procreative fluids beneath them both. 

The spectacular purging of Jack’s tortured loins went on for several long minutes, and was both defiant proof that his fantastic hyper virility was still very much alive and intact, and a liquid and literal ‘white flag’ of surrender against the unspeakably brutal and merciless abuse. 

Mitch kept grinding his knee into Jack’s spasming bull nuts long after the last dregs of his shockingly mammoth load had drizzled out of his diamond hard cock, his pumping hips making it look like he was fucking the front of the young man’s bound and suspended body. His enormous 13-inch cock slopped through the hot and gooey soup of fresh stud spunk that was glueing their bodies together from neck to mid thigh, rubbing hard against the magnificent cobblestones of Jack’s rock hard belly. 

He finally relented, though, and pulled his knee out of Jack’s blubbery and bloated balls, and then took a couple of steps back. Nearly a hundred hot and chunky ribbons of impossibly thick spunk continued to connect their bodies, however, a jaw dropping display of Jack’s supreme, undaunted, and undiminished virility completely painting both of their bodies and blinding and glistening white from their necks to their knees. Mitch kept taking slow steps backward, stretching out the thick strands of cum until they finally snapped one by one, freeing him of his wet and messy connection to the younger man’s body. 

“Fuck, Jack!!” Mitch said, his deeply impressed awe clear in his baritone voice. “That was fucking INSANE!! I can’t believe that your balls are still FUNCTIONAL after all of the abuse I just put them through! But I guess the ‘proof is in the pudding’, as they say, and you fucking shot out a shit ton of pudding just now!” 

Jack gave no visible reaction in response, his body sagging in its restraints and his head hanging low, panting and heaving to catch his breath after the monumental purge he’d just finished. His hideously bloated balls were hanging down farther than ever, looking like a pair of purple, vein-gnarled melons in their bruised and abraded sac, and almost visibly throbbing in a hellish inferno of inhuman pain. 

“I think such an almighty display deserves a special reward,” Mitch then said, idly scraping a messy handful of the thick nut slop off of his chest and belly and tossing it wetly onto the floor. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 9

Castration Warehouse - Part Nine

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


The rosy light of predawn began to illuminate the windows high up on the warehouse’s tall walls as the five big men grabbed long bamboo canes from the wall and encircled the bound muscle jock. Jack began to whimper, pleading for his torment to end, and for the first time begging Mitch to get it over with and just cut off his miserable balls; bringing a smile of satisfaction and triumph to the cruel blond giant. 

Mitch just wrapped one of his thick-fingered hands around the back of Jack’s stout and sweaty bison neck and pulled the lad forward until their heads almost touched, and then he spoke in an intimate and almost sympathetic voice, “I’m sorry, Jack. But I can’t make this easy for you.” The ruggedly handsome blond man massaged the back of the thickly-muscled column of Jack’s neck. “We were hired to make you suffer, and we still have a very long way to go before we finally destroy your balls. And I’ve got to give you credit — you’ve already lasted many hours longer than any other man we’ve ever tortured, and we’ve barely begun to make a dent in the awesome strength of these titanic testicles of yours! So no, my handsome young hunk, we’re not taking your massive man melons away from you. Not now. Not yet.” 

The big man released the back of Jack’s neck and addressed the other men, saying, “Alright boys! Let’s begin the caning!” The other men cheered as they twirled their canes and took some sharp practice swings in the air. 

Just before the men were about to start striking Jack’s body, Mitch shouted, “Oh wait! I almost forgot!” He then grabbed a length of white nylon rope and returned to Jack’s side, saying, “I want to noose these bad boys up tight so that we have a good, solid target.” He then knelt down and began to truss up Jack’s nuts like he’d done earlier with the rubber tubing, again creating a very narrow nylon rope tube around the length of the young man’s elongated and distended scrotum, and forcing his colossal balls down more than six eye-popping inches from his crotch. The big blond then took three more lengths of nylon rope, these much longer than the first, and tied one end of each rope to the bottommost loop coiled around the lad’s nuts, and then pulled each rope extremely tight and tied off the other end to recessed eye bolts in the floor. The three eye bolts were arranged in a triangular pattern in front of Jack, drawing his bound bollocks down and forward away from his body, and making sure that the impossibly huge nuts were completely immobile. The big man drew the ropes so tight that Jack’s crotch was pulled forward to relieve as much of the strain on his massive bollocks as he could, which wasn’t much. Mitch experimentally plucked one of the taut and straining ropes, and was satisfied when Jack’s nuts didn’t even jiggle. He deemed the lad ready for some serious abuse. 

The men once again took up their stations. One was stationed to cane Jack’s magnificent ass and bulging hamstrings, another his mighty back and bowling ball shoulders, and a third his enormous chest, corrugated muscle belly, and chiseled flanks. Mitch and the final man would focus their attentions once more on Jack’s straining monster cock and hideously stretched out balls. 

“Okay lads! Let’s do some damage!” Mitch happily shouted, and the caning began. The bamboo canes whistled as they cut through the air, and made meaty thwack sounds when they connected with Jack’s incredibly beefy flesh. Every nerve ending in the young man’s magnificently muscular body was already singing in pain from the earlier paddling and flogging, so the strikes of the long, stout canes were even more excruciatingly painful. Jack began to scream in fresh agony, his deep voice growing hoarse and raspy as his unspeakable ordeal continued. Tears flowed freely from his stunning blue eyes as he struggled weakly in his chains, his tightly-bound balls reducing his movements even more than before. 

The welts crisscrossing Jack’s bright red skin soon became even more pronounced, the purple of new bruises erupting wherever the canes would strike. Not long after, blood began to bead wherever the canes had struck multiple times, the sharp instruments finally starting to cut into the lad’s surprisingly tough skin. Once many dozens of these shallow cuts and gashes had appeared, the men took a brief break to dip their canes into a vat of rubbing alcohol and then resumed the handsome young stud’s punishment, the alcohol working its way into wherever Jack’s skin was breached and exponentially increasing the stinging, slapping pain. 

Three of the men were working with a vast acreage of muscle, but the other two were focused only on Jack’s cock and balls, so these parts of the lad’s anatomy suffered by far the worst abuse. The shaft of Jack’s columnar cock was soon laced with dozens of shallow, seeping cuts, and his huge bloated cock head fared even worse. The two men particularly delighted in thwacking the opening of Jack’s urethra, the great flaring of the coronal ridge where the head joined the shaft, and those magical few inches of flesh on the underside of Jack’s cock right beneath the head, where the skin was most sensitive of all. 

Jack’s taut and bulging bulls were in even worse shape, particularly since the trio of nylon ropes held the orbs solidly in place and forced them to absorb every ounce of power behind each stinging blow. The delicate skin of the young man’s nutbag was covered in such a dense mass of welts — literally hundreds of them — that the entire scrotum was dark red, puffy, and inflamed. Mitch and his compatriot took great pleasure in striking Jack’s behemoth balls from every conceivable angle — great uppercuts into the heavy undersides of both goliath orbs, slamming the canes into the bulging fronts and beefy sides of the titanic sex organs, punishing the equally massive backsides of the taut testes, and striking straight down into the seam that separated the lad’s balls from each other. For the first time in Jack’s young life, he sincerely wished that he had been born without balls, for the torment he was suffering was positively inhuman. 

Periodically, Mitch would pause the punishment to inspect Jack’s balls while the young man slumped in his chains and quietly sobbed. He would examine the increasingly lacerated state of the stud’s sac, and he would apply pressure to each swollen testicle with his extremely powerful grip, bringing forth hoarse groans from deep inside Jack’s massively muscular chest. After the fourth or fifth such inspection, Mitch turned to his fellow tormentor and said, “We’re making good progress here. The lad’s balls are now nicely swollen, and we’re beating his sac black and blue. But his nuts are so freakishly tough, not to mention so impossibly thick, that we’re nowhere near getting to the heart of his bollocks. We’re really just damaging a thin surface layer of his big bull balls. We’re going to have to strike these big fat baby makers a whole lot harder.” 

Jack whined in despair at Mitch’s words, and was soon back to croaking and shouting as the two men laid into his nuts with even greater abandon. 

After nearly an hour, Mitch called for the men behind Jack to take a break. Now four of the men stood before the sobbing young man — two focusing their brutal attentions on his straining cock and bulging balls, the other two targeting his belly, flanks, and monumentally muscular chest. The latter two particularly enjoyed caning Jack’s already swollen and slashed and bleeding nipples, striking them so many times that the young man was sure that they would simply be ripped off of the great, curving mounds of his gorgeous chest. 

The fifth man stepped behind Jack, lust sparkling in his eyes as he took in the damaged magnificence of the young man’s backside, and began his second turn fucking the college jock’s titanic ass. Though astonishingly still extremely tight even after his brutal gang rape, Jack’s hole was sloppy wet, and so the big man didn’t even need to use any lube to plunge his cock balls-deep up the poorly-used shit chute. His rough thrusts forced Jack’s pelvis to buck forward and back, and with his testicles so cruelly bound and stretched out from his body, these movements jerked violently at the stud’s nuts, distending the great orbs and damn near ripping them right off of his body as they were rhythmically and violently yanked several MORE inches way from his crotch. 

The ridiculously handsome, hunky lad was so exhausted and in so much excruciating pain that he could only moan at the latest abuses. He wasn’t even crying any more, as there just weren’t any tears left. 

The man raping his ass took a good long time to cum, as it was his second fuck of the night. But Jack’s mighty loins weren’t flagging, and the overstimulation of his bruised joy button soon had a new load building up in his battered and bloodied balls. 

Jack’s twelfth load sprayed out with his signature volume and power, splattering messily against all four of the big men arrayed before him and splashing wetly onto the cum soaked floor for dozens of feet. Even though they’d already seen his hyper virile display many times, the five men knew that none of them would ever get used to the otherworldly raw masculine power of Jack’s epic ejaculations. The heroically handsome and astoundingly virile young muscle stud was clearly in a stratospheric class all by himself. He pumped an ungodly amount of semen onto the cold cement floor, his tensing and clutching bowels finally putting his latest anal assailant over the edge as well, squirting a big stud load of his own thick jizz into Jack’s spunk-bloated guts. 

Shortly after both men finished climaxing, the men put away their alcohol-soaked canes, and Mitch again examined Jack’s raw and ragged balls. They were now a hideous shade of mottled dark red and vibrant purple, looking like one solid bruise, and were covered in literally hundreds of tiny and shallow lacerations, marring the previously unblemished perfection of the young man’s voluminous ballsac. They were significantly swollen and almost visibly radiating a great throbbing agony. But as Mitch’s untender fingers roughly poked and prodded and squeezed the deeply, deeply aching orbs, the big blond man frowned, grunted, and said, “It’s no good, boys. Jack’s gigantic gonads are just too goddamned tough! We’re barely making any progress here! Sure, the first half inch or so of tissue surrounding each testicle is becoming soft and squishy, a sure sign that we’re starting to do some real damage, but the vast bulk of each nut, the hard inner core, is still just as dense and firm and solid as it was at the start of the night.” 

Mitch released Jack’s bound and trussed up nuts, stood back up, and said to his men, “It’s time to break out the BIG guns!” 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 8

Castration Warehouse - Part Eight

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


The blond muscle giant walked over to the peg board and selected a flogger, tossing it to one of the other big men. He then selected three more and tossed them to his remaining compatriots before choosing one for himself. Each flogger had a stout handle made of hardwood, while the business end of each torture implement varied in design — some had dozens of simple strips of supple black leather, one was a tough, braided band of rawhide, and the last, carried by Mitch himself, was a two-inch-wide strip of thick and pliable black leather that was just over a foot long, like a short but very thick belt. 

Mitch walked back over to Jack and knelt in front of the bound muscle stud. The handsome young hunk whimpered as the big blond reached up with both massive hands to cradle the lad’s badly bruised balls. Even this light touch caused Jack to flinch in pain, a weak moan escaping his beautiful lips as Mitch began to once again explore the massive testicles for any signs of internal damage. The muscle giant prodded and palpated both enormous orbs, even lightly crushing them against one another, looking for any flaws or injuries. Finding none, Mitch nodded approvingly and said, “No signs of any real damage yet. Very impressive, Jack! Most men’s balls would be showing signs of weakness or even failure at this point, but not your colossal cajones! I’ll bet these big boys are of yours are mighty sore, though, aren’t they?” Mitch looked up with a mocking grin at the bound hunk, giving both of his battered bollocks a few half-strength squeezes and making the lad’s breathtakingly handsome face scrunch up in fresh pain. The big man chuckled as he finally released Jack’s profoundly aching balls and stood back up. 

As with the paddles, two men took up positions behind the big bound lad, with the other three in front. Jack was quietly sobbing in despair, already exhausted by his ordeal, but knowing that the worst was still to come. And he was right. 

The flogging began, the five men wasting no time as they lashed at Jack’s perfect, unblemished skin. His broad and densely muscled back, his magnificent protruding bulbous ass cheeks, and his incredibly wide and spectacularly thick and dense chest were the focus of three of the men, while the other two tag teamed his majestic 15.5-inch bull cock and fantastically huge low-hanging bollocks, alternating back and forth. But almost every part of the handsome jock’s phenomenal physique received attention from the floggers — his massive flexing arms, his straining boulder shoulders, his exquisitely chiseled flanks, his deep and surprisingly hairy armpits, his colossal quadriceps and equally massive hamstrings, the sharply formed eight-pack of his bulging abdominals, his astonishingly narrow and tight lower back, the backs of his bloated and deeply bifurcated calves that were the size of overinflated footballs. Even the soles of his tender and sensitive size 14 extra wide feet got their fair share of abuse. Only his ridiculously handsome face was spared the stinging bite of the floggers, upon the specific and strict direction of the client that had hired the men to perform this job, who had stated that no harm should come to the young man’s breathtakingly handsome features. 

Loud and beefy smacking and slapping sounds soon filled the large warehouse, accompanied by the weak moans and groans of the helpless and utterly exhausted muscle stud. The sharp, staccato sounds came fast and furious, the five big men eagerly and tirelessly painting Jack’s spectacularly beautiful body with fresh stripes from their leather floggers, heartily congratulating one another after a particularly well-aimed blow. 

While the rest of his bound body was nearly immobile, Jack’s package bounced and jiggled around most wildly with each powerful blow, spraying streams of crystal clear precum around in every direction as his monstrously hyper inflated cock continued to ooze and drool. The five other men were intensely, almost painfully, erect as well, their huge cocks flopping about as they eagerly delivered even more punishment to the anguished hunk. 

After ten minutes, Jack’s glorious body was glowing a bright cherry red from neck to toes. And after another hour or so, the poor lad’s entire body was a mess of angry welts, especially his chest, back, and ass. The hard nubs of Jack’s beautiful, succulent nipples — a favorite target for the men belting his body — were looking particularly the worse for wear, having become puffy and swollen to twice their normal size. But once more, it was Jack’s cock, and especially his balls, that had received the lion’s share of the abuse. 

A brief halt was called while Mitch once again knelt down to gauge the damage done thus far to Jack’s genitals. The young man’s cock and balls looked to be in sorry shape indeed, all puffy and swollen and battered and welted and bruised by over seven and a half hours of relentless abuse. Even a light touch from the man’s huge, calloused hands was exquisitely painful at this point, but Mitch was anything but gentle, roughly fondling and manhandling the poorly-used man meat. The big blond bull was not satisfied by what he found, for all of Jack’s injuries were still largely superficial. “Alright guys,” he said to the rest of his team, “you three take a break while we step it up a notch on the lad’s cock and balls.” 

Mitch and another one of the big men began again, but this time with even greater ferocity and viciousness, putting their whole bodies into each devastating blow. Jack bucked and strained against his restraints with renewed energy, the blows feeling like they were shredding his beautiful manhood apart. 

With all of the focus on Jack’s genitals and no one lashing his back, another of the men lubed up his cock again and gave the young stud’s magnificently muscular ass another pounding. Since the man had blown one load up Jack’s ass already, his second fucking was marginally less violent and brutal, but on the downside, the big man lasted a lot longer. The fucking seemed to go on for an eternity, as Jack’s cock and balls continued to be pelted with incredibly brutal blows from the leather belt and flogger, and Jack longed for the blessed release of unconsciousness. But unfortunately, the young jock was just too ferociously tough, too insanely strong, to mercifully black out, even as the pain in his mangled genitals continued to grow. 

The prolonged hammering of his bruised and ill-used prostate finally sent Jack into his eleventh orgasm of the night, which proved to be his most painful load yet. His massive nuts clenched and spasmodically convulsed as they were forced to cough up even more of their precious cargo. His mighty bull cock heaved and lurched as it shot out several dozen more staggeringly copious ropes of thick jock jizz, coating even more of the concrete floor with his chunky pearlescent spew. It seemed categorically impossible that one man’s balls, no matter how huge, could contain even ONE such mammoth bull load, let alone eleven (and counting) in just one evening! The hunky and spectacularly muscular kid was simply a pure GOD of sex! 

The big man rooting around inside Jack’s ass came at the same time, triggered by the incredibly powerful flexing of the young man’s guts around his invading cock. Jack’s rectum was so overloaded with cum at this point that the man’s lush pulses of sperm were squirting out of the young man’s ass and running down the insides of his enormously muscular and perfectly chiseled legs in thick and gloopy rivers. 

And STILL Mitch and his companion continued to pummel Jack’s drooling cock and quivering balls long after his orgasm was complete, really tearing into them and threatening to shred them to ribbons. But the sturdy and incredibly resilient young stud endured, even though his mind was nearly ripped apart by the unending agony. 

Once more, Mitch called a halt to the flogging and inspected the damage. He focused mostly on Jack’s nearly cantaloupe-sized bollocks, rolling them around in his hands and giving them firm experimental squeezes. After a thorough inspection, he turned to his fellows and said, “Well lads, I’m sorry to say that we have a lot more work to do before we can nut this boy. His balls are just too damn tough! I think it’s time to break out the canes.” 

Jack let out a soft, whimpering sob, the abject despair on his face almost making him look like a small helpless child, as he braced himself for even greater abuse to come. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 7

Castration Warehouse - Part Seven

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


All five smiling and chuckling men walked over to the peg board and retrieved nearly identical items. Each device looked very much like a standard wooden ping pong paddle, with a stout handle and a large flat surface with textured rubber coating both sides. The only difference was that these paddles were built on a much larger and sturdier scale, with a surface area more similar to that of a tennis racket. More than large enough to strike both of Jack’s gigantic man nuts at the same time. 

“Okay Jack, warm up time is over,” Mitch drawled with an evil glint in his cold blue eyes. “It’s time to really start working over those huge bull balls of yours! Nothing too damaging yet — we’re still working up to the really heavy stuff — but we’re going to start putting those massive stones of yours through their paces, and see just how tough they truly are!” 

And with that, the paddling of Jack’s behemoth bollocks began. 

The five huge men lined up around the bound muscle stud, three in front and two in back, and spent a couple of moments rocking back and forth on their feet, their huge hard cocks waving in front of them, smiling and taunting the helpless hunk as they expertly swung and twirled the large paddles in their beefy hands. Jack’s bright blue eyes were wide with terror as he looked at the three massive men in front of him, watching the way that their colossal muscles bunched and flexed with every movement. He guessed that the smallest set of biceps among the five men must have come in at over 25 inches, so the amount of raw muscular POWER arrayed before him was truly staggering. And all of that fantastic muscular might was about to be focused on whacking around his low-hanging huevos. 

The first strike came from behind, startling the handsome young lad, as a mighty blow sent his huge testicles swinging violently forward in their loose and dangling sack. The loud slap seemed to echo in the large room, but Jack hardly had time to react before one of the men in front of him took a powerful swing and struck the swinging ballsac from the front, sending it careening back in the opposite direction. 

So began their brutal game, which was like ping pong and tether ball all rolled into one. The big men practiced both their forehand and their backhand as they gleefully slammed and hammered Jack’s wildly swinging and jiggling nuts from every possible direction. The lad’s pendulous nutsac was madly flopping about under the heavy blows, often colliding hard with his own meaty ass, his fantastically muscular inner thighs, or his throbbing cock shaft, but just as often swinging and twisting in open air before the next resounding SMACK of a paddle strike sent them flying off in yet another direction. The sharp stinging pain of the mighty blows would have been knee buckling at the best of times, but with his big balls so deeply throbbing and aching from all that they had already endured, Jack’s testicular agony was beyond anything he could have imagined. Still, despite the awesome power behind each blow, the large surface area of the paddles dispersed the force of each slapping strike, causing a maximum amount of pain with a minimal amount of actual damage. 

You could have fooled Jack, though, for his battered balls felt like they were on fire! Already glowing an angry red in their smooth and hairless sac from all of the abuse they’d already received, the young man’s humongous coconut-sized whoppers steadily grew a darker and uglier shade of red as the effects of the paddle strikes compounded over time. Jack felt like his balls were going to burst and shatter into a thousand bloody pieces under the relentless hammering, but in truth his balls were built of some stern and sturdy stuff, making them incredibly tough and resilient. Freakishly so, in fact. So while the pain continued to mount, and superficial bruises started to erupt all over the beyond massive orbs, Jack’s mighty man eggs were nowhere near in danger of actually cracking. 

The men also amused themselves by occasionally spanking the young stud’s gloriously muscular bubble butt until it was glowing a bright cherry red as well. They also took frequent swings at his steely-hard schlong, powerfully batting it around from every direction, and enjoying making it wiggle and swing wildly in various directions only to quickly snap back to upright and throbbing attention. They were flabbergasted and deeply impressed by the super stud’s ability to maintain an erection even under such extreme abuse, but they were never one to waste such a golden opportunity, so they smacked and clobbered Jack’s mighty stallion cock almost as much as they powerfully paddled his swinging bollocks. 

The agony was so intense that Jack thought he would die, and he felt like his magnificent manhood was being steadily hammered into sterility. But instead, his bruised and aching cock seemed to strain larger still, and incredibly began oozing out long strings of crystalline precum. One of the men was so turned on by the sight of Jack’s heavily drooling mega cock that he roughly scraped a big handful of the slick crud off of the young man’s huge cock, lubed up his own big cock with the young stud’s copious juices, and plunged his huge meat up Jack’s tight and puffy rosebud all the way to the hilt. 

The fourth rape of Jack’s muscle butt was perhaps the most rough and violent yet, with the big thug jackhammering his extremely thick dick in and out of the lad’s well-plundered bowels like some machine piston, forcing a thick slurry of the first three loads to squirt out around his big cock. The other four men all gathered in front of the howling and screaming stud and paddled his swollen cock and balls with renewed vigor and speed. Red and raw abrasions were starting to form on Jack’s big billy club boner and battered ballsac, but that visible superficial damage only seemed to encourage the men to strike harder and faster still, their massive arms and rubber-faced paddles becoming a blur as they rained unforgettable pain down on the lad’s bruised and stinging goods. 

The super stud’s tenth load of the night caught all of the men by surprise, including Jack himself, slamming into his loins with a sudden fury. The four muscle giants standing in front of the grunting and bucking stud were suddenly slashed and plastered by huge scalding hot ribbons and massive slugs of fresh ripe man juice. They just laughed and hollered in delight, and slammed their paddles even harder into Jack’s throbbing man flesh, increasing his agony tenfold as they battered his throbbing cock and convulsing balls throughout the long and incredibly lush orgasm. The feel of the lad’s tightly clenching guts around his invading cock sent Jack’s rapist over the edge, too, and he blasted a fourth huge stud load up Jack’s ass while the young man shot an even larger whale load out over the cum-drenched floor, the latest bolts of cum making messy splashing noises as they splattered onto the impossibly huge puddles of nut sludge already covering an astonishingly large portion of the cement floor. 

Jack’s scream-roughened voice was growing hoarse by the time his tenth orgasm finally ended and the men stopped clobbering his red and swollen manhood. White hot agony radiated out from Jack’s thoroughly battered cock and balls, the throbbing pain almost feeling like his huge genitals were still being hammered by the oversized paddles. The handsome young hunk just heaved and sobbed in his chains, no longer having the strength to even beg for mercy. Not that the five huge men surrounding him would have heeded his pleas anyway.  

Intrigued by the swelling in Jack’s epic manhood, big Mitch broke out a cloth tape measure and placed the end of the tape against the hard, rigid root of Jack’s cock, and then slowly unfurled the cloth along the dorsal length of the mammoth organ. The firm, rock hard flesh felt warm beneath Mitch’s fingers as the tape inched up the length of the absolutely enormous schlong, finally rolling over the huge, hyper engorged, purplish head to reach the dilated and leaking tip. Mitch let out a low whistle of amazement, for Jack’s terminally bloated monster cock had indeed grown, gaining over a full inch in length during the night’s tortures, and now stretched the measuring tape to a jaw dropping 15.5 iron hard inches! 

Mitch removed the cloth tape, which was now wet and sticky with Jack’s hyper abundant cum, and wrapped his fingers around the middle of the enormous cock shaft. His eyebrows rose in surprise as he discovered that even his enormous hand was no longer large enough to wrap all the way around that fantastically girthy beast, for the tremendous thickness of the lad’s record-shattering penis had somehow increased as well. The big blond man squeezed down hard, trying to throttle the humongous cock at its midpoint, but the dick meat was so monstrously engorged and so incredibly hard that his fingers could barely even dent it. He instead frigged the goliath pole, marveling at its unparalleled size and enjoying how the huge snaking veins created delicious speed bumps as his big fist stroked up and down the mighty sex organ. 

Mitch discovered a sensation he hadn’t felt since he was a teenager — jealousy. The blond giant was always the biggest, most fantastically muscular man anywhere he went, and he was hung bigger than anyone he’d ever encountered… until now. The bound college jock in front of him was undeniably staggeringly handsome with the most beautifully formed physique Mitch had ever seen, but the blond giant was half a foot taller and built much bigger. But the sexy young upstart had the blond bull beat where it perhaps counted the most, with a monstrously colossal manhood that dwarfed even Mitch’s own mighty 13-inch meat club and enormous, door-knocker balls that were the size of the largest of lemons. 

Warring emotions of arousal and jealousy made big Mitch feel momentarily insecure. But then a huge, toothy grin spread across the man’s rugged, square-jawed features. Sure, the big handsome kid might be hung bigger than Mitch at the moment, but by the time he and his buddies were done with him, the lad’s gigantic bull balls would be history, and his mammoth member would wilt for the last time, never to rise to goliath tumescent glory ever again! Mitch gave the rock solid cock a few more firm strokes, the flesh of the huge shaft feeling like warm marble to his rough and calloused hand and the comparatively spongy bulb of his bloated glans feeling glassy smooth under his caressing thumb, and then he released the cock, giving it a few strong pats to make it bounce, and then went to eagerly retrieve the next device for the young man’s torture and eventual emasculation.