Saturday, June 22, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 9

Castration Warehouse - Part Nine

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


The rosy light of predawn began to illuminate the windows high up on the warehouse’s tall walls as the five big men grabbed long bamboo canes from the wall and encircled the bound muscle jock. Jack began to whimper, pleading for his torment to end, and for the first time begging Mitch to get it over with and just cut off his miserable balls; bringing a smile of satisfaction and triumph to the cruel blond giant. 

Mitch just wrapped one of his thick-fingered hands around the back of Jack’s stout and sweaty bison neck and pulled the lad forward until their heads almost touched, and then he spoke in an intimate and almost sympathetic voice, “I’m sorry, Jack. But I can’t make this easy for you.” The ruggedly handsome blond man massaged the back of the thickly-muscled column of Jack’s neck. “We were hired to make you suffer, and we still have a very long way to go before we finally destroy your balls. And I’ve got to give you credit — you’ve already lasted many hours longer than any other man we’ve ever tortured, and we’ve barely begun to make a dent in the awesome strength of these titanic testicles of yours! So no, my handsome young hunk, we’re not taking your massive man melons away from you. Not now. Not yet.” 

The big man released the back of Jack’s neck and addressed the other men, saying, “Alright boys! Let’s begin the caning!” The other men cheered as they twirled their canes and took some sharp practice swings in the air. 

Just before the men were about to start striking Jack’s body, Mitch shouted, “Oh wait! I almost forgot!” He then grabbed a length of white nylon rope and returned to Jack’s side, saying, “I want to noose these bad boys up tight so that we have a good, solid target.” He then knelt down and began to truss up Jack’s nuts like he’d done earlier with the rubber tubing, again creating a very narrow nylon rope tube around the length of the young man’s elongated and distended scrotum, and forcing his colossal balls down more than six eye-popping inches from his crotch. The big blond then took three more lengths of nylon rope, these much longer than the first, and tied one end of each rope to the bottommost loop coiled around the lad’s nuts, and then pulled each rope extremely tight and tied off the other end to recessed eye bolts in the floor. The three eye bolts were arranged in a triangular pattern in front of Jack, drawing his bound bollocks down and forward away from his body, and making sure that the impossibly huge nuts were completely immobile. The big man drew the ropes so tight that Jack’s crotch was pulled forward to relieve as much of the strain on his massive bollocks as he could, which wasn’t much. Mitch experimentally plucked one of the taut and straining ropes, and was satisfied when Jack’s nuts didn’t even jiggle. He deemed the lad ready for some serious abuse. 

The men once again took up their stations. One was stationed to cane Jack’s magnificent ass and bulging hamstrings, another his mighty back and bowling ball shoulders, and a third his enormous chest, corrugated muscle belly, and chiseled flanks. Mitch and the final man would focus their attentions once more on Jack’s straining monster cock and hideously stretched out balls. 

“Okay lads! Let’s do some damage!” Mitch happily shouted, and the caning began. The bamboo canes whistled as they cut through the air, and made meaty thwack sounds when they connected with Jack’s incredibly beefy flesh. Every nerve ending in the young man’s magnificently muscular body was already singing in pain from the earlier paddling and flogging, so the strikes of the long, stout canes were even more excruciatingly painful. Jack began to scream in fresh agony, his deep voice growing hoarse and raspy as his unspeakable ordeal continued. Tears flowed freely from his stunning blue eyes as he struggled weakly in his chains, his tightly-bound balls reducing his movements even more than before. 

The welts crisscrossing Jack’s bright red skin soon became even more pronounced, the purple of new bruises erupting wherever the canes would strike. Not long after, blood began to bead wherever the canes had struck multiple times, the sharp instruments finally starting to cut into the lad’s surprisingly tough skin. Once many dozens of these shallow cuts and gashes had appeared, the men took a brief break to dip their canes into a vat of rubbing alcohol and then resumed the handsome young stud’s punishment, the alcohol working its way into wherever Jack’s skin was breached and exponentially increasing the stinging, slapping pain. 

Three of the men were working with a vast acreage of muscle, but the other two were focused only on Jack’s cock and balls, so these parts of the lad’s anatomy suffered by far the worst abuse. The shaft of Jack’s columnar cock was soon laced with dozens of shallow, seeping cuts, and his huge bloated cock head fared even worse. The two men particularly delighted in thwacking the opening of Jack’s urethra, the great flaring of the coronal ridge where the head joined the shaft, and those magical few inches of flesh on the underside of Jack’s cock right beneath the head, where the skin was most sensitive of all. 

Jack’s taut and bulging bulls were in even worse shape, particularly since the trio of nylon ropes held the orbs solidly in place and forced them to absorb every ounce of power behind each stinging blow. The delicate skin of the young man’s nutbag was covered in such a dense mass of welts — literally hundreds of them — that the entire scrotum was dark red, puffy, and inflamed. Mitch and his compatriot took great pleasure in striking Jack’s behemoth balls from every conceivable angle — great uppercuts into the heavy undersides of both goliath orbs, slamming the canes into the bulging fronts and beefy sides of the titanic sex organs, punishing the equally massive backsides of the taut testes, and striking straight down into the seam that separated the lad’s balls from each other. For the first time in Jack’s young life, he sincerely wished that he had been born without balls, for the torment he was suffering was positively inhuman. 

Periodically, Mitch would pause the punishment to inspect Jack’s balls while the young man slumped in his chains and quietly sobbed. He would examine the increasingly lacerated state of the stud’s sac, and he would apply pressure to each swollen testicle with his extremely powerful grip, bringing forth hoarse groans from deep inside Jack’s massively muscular chest. After the fourth or fifth such inspection, Mitch turned to his fellow tormentor and said, “We’re making good progress here. The lad’s balls are now nicely swollen, and we’re beating his sac black and blue. But his nuts are so freakishly tough, not to mention so impossibly thick, that we’re nowhere near getting to the heart of his bollocks. We’re really just damaging a thin surface layer of his big bull balls. We’re going to have to strike these big fat baby makers a whole lot harder.” 

Jack whined in despair at Mitch’s words, and was soon back to croaking and shouting as the two men laid into his nuts with even greater abandon. 

After nearly an hour, Mitch called for the men behind Jack to take a break. Now four of the men stood before the sobbing young man — two focusing their brutal attentions on his straining cock and bulging balls, the other two targeting his belly, flanks, and monumentally muscular chest. The latter two particularly enjoyed caning Jack’s already swollen and slashed and bleeding nipples, striking them so many times that the young man was sure that they would simply be ripped off of the great, curving mounds of his gorgeous chest. 

The fifth man stepped behind Jack, lust sparkling in his eyes as he took in the damaged magnificence of the young man’s backside, and began his second turn fucking the college jock’s titanic ass. Though astonishingly still extremely tight even after his brutal gang rape, Jack’s hole was sloppy wet, and so the big man didn’t even need to use any lube to plunge his cock balls-deep up the poorly-used shit chute. His rough thrusts forced Jack’s pelvis to buck forward and back, and with his testicles so cruelly bound and stretched out from his body, these movements jerked violently at the stud’s nuts, distending the great orbs and damn near ripping them right off of his body as they were rhythmically and violently yanked several MORE inches way from his crotch. 

The ridiculously handsome, hunky lad was so exhausted and in so much excruciating pain that he could only moan at the latest abuses. He wasn’t even crying any more, as there just weren’t any tears left. 

The man raping his ass took a good long time to cum, as it was his second fuck of the night. But Jack’s mighty loins weren’t flagging, and the overstimulation of his bruised joy button soon had a new load building up in his battered and bloodied balls. 

Jack’s twelfth load sprayed out with his signature volume and power, splattering messily against all four of the big men arrayed before him and splashing wetly onto the cum soaked floor for dozens of feet. Even though they’d already seen his hyper virile display many times, the five men knew that none of them would ever get used to the otherworldly raw masculine power of Jack’s epic ejaculations. The heroically handsome and astoundingly virile young muscle stud was clearly in a stratospheric class all by himself. He pumped an ungodly amount of semen onto the cold cement floor, his tensing and clutching bowels finally putting his latest anal assailant over the edge as well, squirting a big stud load of his own thick jizz into Jack’s spunk-bloated guts. 

Shortly after both men finished climaxing, the men put away their alcohol-soaked canes, and Mitch again examined Jack’s raw and ragged balls. They were now a hideous shade of mottled dark red and vibrant purple, looking like one solid bruise, and were covered in literally hundreds of tiny and shallow lacerations, marring the previously unblemished perfection of the young man’s voluminous ballsac. They were significantly swollen and almost visibly radiating a great throbbing agony. But as Mitch’s untender fingers roughly poked and prodded and squeezed the deeply, deeply aching orbs, the big blond man frowned, grunted, and said, “It’s no good, boys. Jack’s gigantic gonads are just too goddamned tough! We’re barely making any progress here! Sure, the first half inch or so of tissue surrounding each testicle is becoming soft and squishy, a sure sign that we’re starting to do some real damage, but the vast bulk of each nut, the hard inner core, is still just as dense and firm and solid as it was at the start of the night.” 

Mitch released Jack’s bound and trussed up nuts, stood back up, and said to his men, “It’s time to break out the BIG guns!” 


  1. The alcohol is an especially evil touch. Even after the caning is withdrawn, the burning is only starting. Keeping those huge balls tied out while being pummeled is even nastier. That they did not burst from that alone shows how tough those sperm factories are. The nipples and cockhead must be sources of sanity destroying agony by themselves. Jack's raping is also very hot. Having those hard muscles squeezing down on his tormentor's cock as Jack's body is tortured and then forced to cum again must feel like heaven to the fucker even as Jack descends further into hell.

    1. Thank you for appreciating all of those details, and I'm glad that you're enjoying Jack's epic saga of pain. And yes, he's got some ferociously tough bollocks!

  2. Uhhh so hot.. Love you describe the detail damage on his testicles. I cant wait more about they hurt jack feeling as a father o babies who still inside his testicles

    1. LOL!! In case you couldn't tell, I LOVE finding new ways to describe damage and pain and torture of a man's big balls. ;) I'm glad that you've been enjoying the story so far! Still have three more chapters to go...

  3. The final stretch, just three more chapters. After spending so long with Jack's big balls it's going to be tough to say goodbye.
    It almost seems like Mitch doesn't quite want to say goodbye to those nuts either. And yet, I'm sure he'll carry out his duty in the end.
    Looking forward to the next one, and wondering just what the "big guns" could possibly be...

    1. As tough as it's going to be to say goodbye to Jack's big and beautiful balls, I promise an epic send off! ;) And yeah, I think Mitch would love to extend the tortures even longer, no because he's reluctant to unman the gorgeous young stud, but because he'd like to keep on slowly unmanning him for days or weeks to come. He knows that he'll never have such an incredible and gifted subject for his sadistic whims, and so he wants to make the end of Jack's bollocks an unforgettable experience...
