Saturday, June 15, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 8

Castration Warehouse - Part Eight

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


The blond muscle giant walked over to the peg board and selected a flogger, tossing it to one of the other big men. He then selected three more and tossed them to his remaining compatriots before choosing one for himself. Each flogger had a stout handle made of hardwood, while the business end of each torture implement varied in design — some had dozens of simple strips of supple black leather, one was a tough, braided band of rawhide, and the last, carried by Mitch himself, was a two-inch-wide strip of thick and pliable black leather that was just over a foot long, like a short but very thick belt. 

Mitch walked back over to Jack and knelt in front of the bound muscle stud. The handsome young hunk whimpered as the big blond reached up with both massive hands to cradle the lad’s badly bruised balls. Even this light touch caused Jack to flinch in pain, a weak moan escaping his beautiful lips as Mitch began to once again explore the massive testicles for any signs of internal damage. The muscle giant prodded and palpated both enormous orbs, even lightly crushing them against one another, looking for any flaws or injuries. Finding none, Mitch nodded approvingly and said, “No signs of any real damage yet. Very impressive, Jack! Most men’s balls would be showing signs of weakness or even failure at this point, but not your colossal cajones! I’ll bet these big boys are of yours are mighty sore, though, aren’t they?” Mitch looked up with a mocking grin at the bound hunk, giving both of his battered bollocks a few half-strength squeezes and making the lad’s breathtakingly handsome face scrunch up in fresh pain. The big man chuckled as he finally released Jack’s profoundly aching balls and stood back up. 

As with the paddles, two men took up positions behind the big bound lad, with the other three in front. Jack was quietly sobbing in despair, already exhausted by his ordeal, but knowing that the worst was still to come. And he was right. 

The flogging began, the five men wasting no time as they lashed at Jack’s perfect, unblemished skin. His broad and densely muscled back, his magnificent protruding bulbous ass cheeks, and his incredibly wide and spectacularly thick and dense chest were the focus of three of the men, while the other two tag teamed his majestic 15.5-inch bull cock and fantastically huge low-hanging bollocks, alternating back and forth. But almost every part of the handsome jock’s phenomenal physique received attention from the floggers — his massive flexing arms, his straining boulder shoulders, his exquisitely chiseled flanks, his deep and surprisingly hairy armpits, his colossal quadriceps and equally massive hamstrings, the sharply formed eight-pack of his bulging abdominals, his astonishingly narrow and tight lower back, the backs of his bloated and deeply bifurcated calves that were the size of overinflated footballs. Even the soles of his tender and sensitive size 14 extra wide feet got their fair share of abuse. Only his ridiculously handsome face was spared the stinging bite of the floggers, upon the specific and strict direction of the client that had hired the men to perform this job, who had stated that no harm should come to the young man’s breathtakingly handsome features. 

Loud and beefy smacking and slapping sounds soon filled the large warehouse, accompanied by the weak moans and groans of the helpless and utterly exhausted muscle stud. The sharp, staccato sounds came fast and furious, the five big men eagerly and tirelessly painting Jack’s spectacularly beautiful body with fresh stripes from their leather floggers, heartily congratulating one another after a particularly well-aimed blow. 

While the rest of his bound body was nearly immobile, Jack’s package bounced and jiggled around most wildly with each powerful blow, spraying streams of crystal clear precum around in every direction as his monstrously hyper inflated cock continued to ooze and drool. The five other men were intensely, almost painfully, erect as well, their huge cocks flopping about as they eagerly delivered even more punishment to the anguished hunk. 

After ten minutes, Jack’s glorious body was glowing a bright cherry red from neck to toes. And after another hour or so, the poor lad’s entire body was a mess of angry welts, especially his chest, back, and ass. The hard nubs of Jack’s beautiful, succulent nipples — a favorite target for the men belting his body — were looking particularly the worse for wear, having become puffy and swollen to twice their normal size. But once more, it was Jack’s cock, and especially his balls, that had received the lion’s share of the abuse. 

A brief halt was called while Mitch once again knelt down to gauge the damage done thus far to Jack’s genitals. The young man’s cock and balls looked to be in sorry shape indeed, all puffy and swollen and battered and welted and bruised by over seven and a half hours of relentless abuse. Even a light touch from the man’s huge, calloused hands was exquisitely painful at this point, but Mitch was anything but gentle, roughly fondling and manhandling the poorly-used man meat. The big blond bull was not satisfied by what he found, for all of Jack’s injuries were still largely superficial. “Alright guys,” he said to the rest of his team, “you three take a break while we step it up a notch on the lad’s cock and balls.” 

Mitch and another one of the big men began again, but this time with even greater ferocity and viciousness, putting their whole bodies into each devastating blow. Jack bucked and strained against his restraints with renewed energy, the blows feeling like they were shredding his beautiful manhood apart. 

With all of the focus on Jack’s genitals and no one lashing his back, another of the men lubed up his cock again and gave the young stud’s magnificently muscular ass another pounding. Since the man had blown one load up Jack’s ass already, his second fucking was marginally less violent and brutal, but on the downside, the big man lasted a lot longer. The fucking seemed to go on for an eternity, as Jack’s cock and balls continued to be pelted with incredibly brutal blows from the leather belt and flogger, and Jack longed for the blessed release of unconsciousness. But unfortunately, the young jock was just too ferociously tough, too insanely strong, to mercifully black out, even as the pain in his mangled genitals continued to grow. 

The prolonged hammering of his bruised and ill-used prostate finally sent Jack into his eleventh orgasm of the night, which proved to be his most painful load yet. His massive nuts clenched and spasmodically convulsed as they were forced to cough up even more of their precious cargo. His mighty bull cock heaved and lurched as it shot out several dozen more staggeringly copious ropes of thick jock jizz, coating even more of the concrete floor with his chunky pearlescent spew. It seemed categorically impossible that one man’s balls, no matter how huge, could contain even ONE such mammoth bull load, let alone eleven (and counting) in just one evening! The hunky and spectacularly muscular kid was simply a pure GOD of sex! 

The big man rooting around inside Jack’s ass came at the same time, triggered by the incredibly powerful flexing of the young man’s guts around his invading cock. Jack’s rectum was so overloaded with cum at this point that the man’s lush pulses of sperm were squirting out of the young man’s ass and running down the insides of his enormously muscular and perfectly chiseled legs in thick and gloopy rivers. 

And STILL Mitch and his companion continued to pummel Jack’s drooling cock and quivering balls long after his orgasm was complete, really tearing into them and threatening to shred them to ribbons. But the sturdy and incredibly resilient young stud endured, even though his mind was nearly ripped apart by the unending agony. 

Once more, Mitch called a halt to the flogging and inspected the damage. He focused mostly on Jack’s nearly cantaloupe-sized bollocks, rolling them around in his hands and giving them firm experimental squeezes. After a thorough inspection, he turned to his fellows and said, “Well lads, I’m sorry to say that we have a lot more work to do before we can nut this boy. His balls are just too damn tough! I think it’s time to break out the canes.” 

Jack let out a soft, whimpering sob, the abject despair on his face almost making him look like a small helpless child, as he braced himself for even greater abuse to come. 


  1. Good descriptions of Jack's tough body getting worked over here, especially those sensitive nipples. The image of Jack's entire body turning red from the whipping except for his handsome head is great. All those big muscles but no way to fight back as his masculinity is slowly destroyed. Also liked how Jack's prostate is getting tormented along with his horse cock and bull balls. Happy to see all the sex organs being tortured, and loved how Jack's orgasm made his rapist cum this second time around. It made another hot scenario of Jack's incredible ass spasming as he involuntarily milks out his rapist's load. They're going to need some mops to clean up all the jizz these studs are producing.

    1. I'm so pleased that you liked the descriptions in this chapter! And yeah, Jack's body is so muscular and so beautiful and so magnificent that I really wanted to abuse every inch of it! :D The handsome lad is a walking, talking sperm bank as well, so there's a LOT more cum to come!! I think even mops will be insufficient -- they'll need to use sump pumps to clean the warehouse floor before this torture is over! ;)

  2. Mmm, now that his meaty nipples are nicely tenderized and swollen, they probably have space to accommodate a pair of large, vicious alligator clips.
    If nothing else, it might distract Jack from the agony in his balls. ...Probably not though. Oh well!

    1. I don't think that there is ANY pain extreme enough to distract poor Jack from the fiery inferno of agony that is his swollen and heavily bruised nuts! Though I think alligator clips on the nipples would be a great idea anyway... ;)

  3. It gonna be darker but more erotic if mitch humiliate jack feeling as father wannabe. Jack plan to make his GF pregnant his baby. Especially when mitch found some book about baby, parenting and reproduction health on his desk. Mitch treat him so bad and he said that he gonna aborting jake's GF if she got pregnant.

  4. It gonna be darker but more erotic if mitch humiliate jack feeling as father wannabe. Jack plan to make his GF pregnant his baby. Especially when mitch found some book about baby, parenting and reproduction health on his desk. Mitch treat him so bad and he said that he gonna aborting jake's GF if she got pregnant.

  5. It gonna be darker but more erotic if mitch humiliate jack feeling as father wannabe. Jack plan to make his GF pregnant his baby. Especially when mitch found some book about baby, parenting and reproduction health on his desk. Mitch treat him so bad and he said that he gonna aborting jake's GF if she got pregnant.
