Saturday, July 13, 2024

Castration Warehouse - Part 12 - Finale

Happy Saturday to you all! 

Here is the final installment in the "Castration Warehouse" series. I hope that you all enjoyed the ride! I don't currently have any plans to continue this series with additional "guest stars" (aka. victims), but the possibility is always there. And who knows -- perhaps Jack Samson has some equally gifted brothers or cousins who might somehow find their way into Mitch's ungentle clutches...  ;) 


Castration Warehouse - Part Twelve

Based on an original story by RackTheSack 


PART TWELVE — whipping

Jack half feared and half hoped that the five cruel and brutal men were going to castrate him then and there, but he was wrong. In fact, the men spent the next hour or so lounging around, talking and laughing and eating a hardy breakfast that one of the men brought in from outside the enormous room. The young football star was left to hang from his restraints in continuing agony, exhausted and utterly hopeless, as the other naked men paraded around him and largely ignored him. 

Perversely, Jack’s colossal cock remained steel hard and ramrod straight, bloated to dimensions even Jack had never seen before, looking for all the world like it was ready to fuck. Jack had never before felt as ashamed and defeated as he did in that moment, and he silently cursed his humongous cock for betraying him so many times throughout the night and morning. 

Jack’s pulsing bull cock finally caught the attention of one of the men. The curious man retrieved the sperm-drenched measuring tape that had been discarded hours ago in one of the many huge puddles of the young man’s slowly cooling splooge, and then advanced on the bound college jock. While the other men smiled and watched, the goon unfurled the damp fabric down the length of Jack’s titanically tumescent dick. The man’s arrogant smirk turned to a look of stunned surprise as he read aloud the length of Jack’s hyper bloated cock — 16.5 inches! The lad’s monstrous dick had been so terminally aroused by the night’s proceedings that it had gained a full TWO INCHES in length!! 

With slightly trembling hands, the big man started taking other dimension of the young man’s herculean cock, reading the numbers aloud to an appreciative and impressed audience. The purple-hued bulb of the lad’s enormous cock head alone was 3.5 inches long and damn near 10 inches around! The thickest part of the towering shaft, just a couple of inches behind the head, was a monstrous 4 inches wide and 12.5 inches around! Talk about a hole buster!! At this size, there was no orifice in the human body that the kid could possibly fuck! The thug let out a low whistle as he discovered something else — tiny, almost invisible stretch marks were now running up and down the entire length of the stud’s cock! That almost certainly meant that the added length and girth to Jack’s already-gigantic erection was permanent!! Even if the five big men untied the handsome college jock now and let him go — something that, of course, would never happen — the hyper endowed kid would never be able to fuck again!! The cruel men laughed and guffawed and high-fived one another, congratulating themselves on having already wrecked the ridiculously beautiful stud’s love life forever, before they even got around to nutting the big lug. 

Eager hands then started measuring the equally stratospheric dimensions of the lad’s newly-bloated bollocks. The impossibly huge sex organs hung extremely heavy in their abused and abraded sac, their natural and already impressive 3-inch dangle having now doubled to a truly extraordinary 6 inches. That mind-boggling scrotal stretch looked to possibly be permanent as well… not that it would matter soon. The neck of his stretched-out scrotum looked very narrow compared to the swollen immensity of the two titanic testicles below, but was actually quite large itself, measuring 5.5 inches around and nearly 2 inches in diameter. That incredibly long scrotal neck contained the all-important cords, cables, tendons, and blood vessels that kept those massive nuts attached to his body, as well as the unusually thick cum tubes that helped drain the sperm from those almighty spunk bunkers whenever he ejaculated. 

Before moving on to the dimensions of the balls themselves, the big thug — a born showman — first took very thorough measurements of the rest of the young man’s spectacularly muscular body, from his almost comically thick bison neck (23.5 inches around) to his feet (size 14 hooves that were just as insanely muscular and veiny as the rest of his magnificent body), and everything  in between. As awesome and awe inspiring as all of those numbers were, the other four men grew more and more impatient, until the thug with the measuring tape finally knelt down and turned his attention to the lad’s monstrous bollocks. 

The beautiful grapefruit-sized orbs from earlier in the evening had been replaced by a pair of hideously bloated monstrosities, the delicate and tender testicles having swollen until they’d more than doubled in mass and were now even larger than the largest of ostrich eggs. The big thug first measured the vertical length of each identical orb, which had originally been 5 inches, letting out a low whistle when he read the new result of 7.5 inches! Their width was nearly as impressive, increasing from an already massive 4.5 inches to a full 6 inches! The circumference around the body of each puffy and distended orb was even more eye popping, swelling from an already obese 14 inches to a truly mind boggling 19 inches, bigger around than most men’s upper arms!! And combined, that double-barreled mass of brutally battered male flesh stretched the measuring tape to a staggering 30 full inches!! That was nearly as big around as Jack’s own tight, muscular, and exquisitely chiseled waist!! 

Another thug retrieved a scale on a wheeled table against the far wall, the kind used in grocery stores to weigh meat in the butcher department, and placed the table in front of the immobile and softly whimpering football jock. He then gently, almost reverently, lifted up both of Jack’s whopping huge bollocks and placed them on the scale, eagerly watching the digital readout. Quiet gasps could be heard coming from all five men when they read the combined weight of the young man’s monumentally swollen balls, which was an astonishing 19.2 pounds! That was just over 8.5 pounds per nut!! The density of ball meat within each orb must have been almost super human, for the lad’s behemoth bollocks weighed even more than they appeared, if that was even possible! 

After hearing those final dimensions read, all five men stepped forward and began fondling every inch of Jack’s magnificent bound form, reveling in the almost impossible size and beauty of the college jock’s incredible body, still utterly magnificent even in its current severely bruised and battered state. They all knew that they would never see a stud of Jack’s unbelievably lofty caliber ever again — not unless Jack had any equally gifted brothers, or if they perhaps sought out the young man’s studly sire — so they took their time in engraining every last delicious detail of this paragon of masculine perfection into their memories before moving on to his ultimate unmanning. 

Two of the men began operating a winch, and a weary and quietly sobbing Jack suddenly found himself rising higher in the air. He had been just below eye level with his unusually tall and ridiculously muscular assailants, but now he was hoisted upward until his deep and sexy navel was at about even with the men’s faces. The two men backed away to join their fellows while Mitch stepped forward, brandishing a long bullwhip made of supple black leather. The big blond man uncoiled the whip and cracked it a few times in the air as if to test it out, making Jack flinch each time. And then the cruelly smirking man turned to the bound football stud and said, “It’s almost over now, Jack.” 

The big man then began to expertly slash and swish the long leather whip through the air, drawing out Jack’s terror like a fine wine. He was toying with the lad, while simultaneously reveling in the handsome young jock’s last minutes as an intact male. The other four men took up positions with the best view of the events to come, sitting in their folding chairs and playing with themselves, tremendously aroused as they prepared to watch a master artisan at work. They all loved their work, especially when they were allowed to go all the way and destroy a man’s balls, and surely no man on earth had a set of testicles that could even remotely rival the colossal set hanging from their achingly handsome young captive. 

Without warning, the bullwhip suddenly lashed out and struck the side of Jack’s goliath left nut, creating a gash several inches long in the young man’s bruised and abraded ball sac. Jack cried out in equal parts pain and horror as he felt the sharp and stinging bite of the whip, but could only watch helplessly as the grinning muscle titan began swinging the whip once more, looking for his next target. Mitch circled his prey for a bit before lashing out again, this time striking the right side of the heavy and overloaded sac and opening up a second long gash. 

So it began. Mitch continued attacking Jack’s scrotum from various and unexpected directions, opening up a new gash in the enormous sac every 15 to 20 seconds, flaying open the nutbag more and more with each strike. Blood was soon dripping freely into the lake of milky white sperm below as the big man steadily slashed the huge sac apart, opening up more and more holes in the soft, thin, tender skin. The glistening orbs underneath were wholly untouched, however, for Mitch was an unparalleled maestro with the whip, wielding it with the exquisite precision of a surgeon. 

After about 20 minutes, Mitch had opened up a good 50 or 60 gashes in Jack’s bleeding nutsac, reducing the enormous pouch to a lattice of skin strips barely containing the colossal testicles within. The shiny walls of the great balls themselves were now showing through dozens of large holes, a mottled reddish-purple hue showing through the shiny whiteness of the thick outer walls, visible evidence of the heavy bruising that had been inflicted right down to the very heart of each titanic orb. 

Sweat glistened on Mitch’s heroically muscular form as he gazed on his handiwork with arousal and pride. The big man knew that if he stopped now — as in right the fuck now — the ridiculously handsome muscle jock’s shredded scrotum could still be stitched back together. It wouldn’t be pretty, as it would be a patchwork of lacerated skin that would forever bear the ugly scars of his epic whipping. But even at this late stage, the gorgeous lad could still leave the vast room as in intact male, surviving to live and rut and cum another day. Mitch’s cruel grin grew even wider as he quashed any hope of a reprieve, and he began to slash the deadly bullwhip through the air once more. 

The subsequent whip strikes began to tear away entire strips of shredded scrotal skin, excising the nutsac bit by bit and gradually exposing more and more of the naked testicles beneath. As the structural integrity of the massive nut pouch began to falter and fail, Jack’s huge and heavy balls began to sag even lower still, their ballsac no longer able to support and contain the vast oval orbs of the young man’s gargantuan manhood. Torn strips of scrotal flesh hit the sperm-drenched floor with wet, gruesome sounds. After about 30 more strikes, Jack’s goliath right nut tumbled out of his shredded sac, the whitish orb glistening wetly as it drooped down yet another inch or two on the ends of its cords, exposed to the open air for the first time in its existence. It took another 20 or 30 whip strikes before that nut’s twin also spilled forth to the end of its cords, and then another 20 or 30 more blows before all that remained of the young man’s once-gorgeous pouch was a few tattered shreds dangling from the base of his crotch. 

Mitch paused at that point, temporarily laying down his whip so that he could examine the young man’s wet and naked nuts. The testicles themselves looked even more monstrous and obscene than ever with their protective scrotum removed, looking simultaneously hideous and deeply erotic as they dangled from their separate bundles of cords. The big blond drank in the sight as he came closer and stood before the softly panting young man, his handsome head hanging down in bone-deep exhaustion and extreme burning agony. 

Mitch had seen literally hundreds of sets of naked testicles in his life, but he’d never seen a set as beautiful and magnificent as these. The gigantic bulky orbs themselves weren’t smooth like other men’s nuts, but were instead covered in a complex tracery of thick, tortured blood vessels, their bluish-purple color adding to the rosy hue of bruising shining through the thick white walls of the balls themselves. The raised tubules of dozens and dozens of veins on each behemoth ball gave the otherwise smooth and gently curved surface of each nut a complex webwork of ridges, turning each ball into an epic relief map of extreme maleness. The tops and backs of each nut were covered by an unusually large and dense epididymus, the complex network of tissues that collected the sperm cells manufactured within the testicles themselves and prepared them for transport up the vas deferens. 

Unable to resist, Mitch reached forward and cupped one gigantic testis in each of this huge hands, the shiny orbs feeling slick and incredibly heavy. Jack winced and grunted as the big blond’s hands came into contact with his naked nuts, deeply disturbed by the sensation of direct contact with his excised bull balls. Mitch ran his thumbs over the wet, vein-ridged surface of each orb, marveling once more at their spectacular size, and awed by the raw power and virility he could feel surging through each rotund nut even now. His fingers then began to probe and explore the squishy epididymus tissues along the back of each orb, the painful sensation causing the young lad to groan in protest once more. The big man fondled those two oversized ostrich eggs for many long minutes, overwhelmed with lust as he groped and caressed the largest set of nuts in human history. 

Mitch finally released the massive orbs and instead began to explore the complex bundle of tendons, cables, cords, and blood vessels that extended from the tops of the two huge testicles to their anchor points beneath Jack’s towering pillar of a cock. He was fascinated by the dense bundles, and was astounded by the unusual thickness of the tendons and other connective tissues, as well as the massive size of the two vas deferens. The gently pinched these bundles between his big thumb and forefinger, becoming extremely intimate with the inner workings of the lad’s sexual plumbing. 

By the time Mitch was finished fondling and exploring Jack’s exposed and naked manhood, it was late morning. It had been two hours since he’d planted his third load up the hunky stud’s exquisitely chiseled ass, and extraordinarily more than 16 hours since Jack’s tortures had begun. The young man had lasted more than three times longer than any previous man, and endured abuses and torments MANY orders of magnitude greater than the most brutal tortures the five men had ever meted out before. The breathtakingly handsome muscle hunk had taken nearly a score of bull loads up his battered chute, and had himself reached orgasm twice as many times, evincing a level of virility and staying power unequalled among men. He had been the most magnificent subject of torture and abuse that the five big men had ever seen, but now it was time to bring his legendary manhood to a brutal end. 

The big blond giant once again retrieved his bullwhip, and began circling the young muscle stud once more. Jack was quietly whimpering and mewling, far beyond pleas for mercy at this point, and could only watch with terror-stricken eyes as Mitch prepared to unman him. 

Mitch took his time, and selected his targets with the utmost care. His detailed exploration of Jack’s nuts hadn’t been for nothing, as the big man wanted to target only the tendons and cables and other connective tissues attaching the young man’s bollocks to his body, but leaving the blood vessels, nerve fibers, and vas deferens intact. With uncanny precision, Mitch began to strike these cords and cables, slashing at them over and over again. Jack’s tendons proved to be unusually tough, however, and put up a surprising amount of resistance. But it wasn’t long before the tough tendons began to snap one by one, gradually untethering Jack’s mammoth nuts from his body, and allowing them to drop lower and lower on their remaining cables. 

The four seated men were furiously fisting their rock hard cocks as they watched their big blond leader ever so slowly emasculate the handsome and hunky captive. They were all rapidly approaching orgasm, eager and hungry to see Mitch bring a painful and violent end to the young lad’s ridiculously oversized manhood. 

Cables and tendons snapped one after the other, forcing the far more elastic blood vessels and vas deferens to take up the slack, straining to carry a weight far in excess of what they were designed for. Jack’s nuts were now hanging well over a full FOOT from his crotch, and drooping even lower with each passing whip strike. It was the most intensely erotic sight the men had ever seen. 

Suddenly and without warning, Jack hit an unexpected and brutally violent orgasm, his 40th of the night. Perhaps his testicles sensed that their untimely end was imminent, and were desperate for one last chance to impregnate something, anything, before they were destroyed. Regardless of the reason, this final ejaculation was Jack’s most powerful and intense of the entire night, and his entire magnificently muscular form bucked and quaked with the unearthly force of his orgasm. 

And perhaps even more amazingly, the young man’s mighty sperm factories had taken the past two hours to recharge faster than they ever had before, and were now throwing everything they had into the single greatest and most voluminous ejaculation of the young man’s life! 

The first almighty rope of the young man’s spunk shot out with such force that it nearly reached halfway to the ceiling high overhead, launching out in a wide, graceful arc to strike the gray cement floor a good 50 or 60 feet away! That first gigantic slug of creamy white splooge was so dense with sperm that it had a consistency thicker than yogurt, and was so voluminous that it easily eclipsed anything else that they sexy football stud had shot that entire night! A second, equally massive blast of cum shot forth, followed by another, and another, and another and another, in a seemingly endless barrage of hyper virile magnificence, a testicular purging of near mythic proportions. 

The four seated men instantly began to groan and shudder in their own violent orgasms, sent hurtling over the edge by the sight of the handsome football star’s final and utterly epic release. Mitch held on to his own load by the barest of fractions, however, and continued slashing away at Jack’s balls, rapidly eliminating the final cords and tendons supporting the enormous, heavy, sagging orbs, even as they throbbed and convulsed and tried to pump out every last sperm within their vast interiors. 

Finally, the only tissues supporting Jack’s beyond bovine balls were the blood vessels, nerve fibers, and thick tube of vas deferens that Mitch had carefully avoided whipping. The young man’s bollocks were bouncing and jiggling on the ends of these slender and stretched out tethers even as they continued their astounding purge of sperm from their meaty interiors, and were now hanging impossibly low, five or perhaps even six times lower than their original 3-inch dangle. But incredibly, despite all of the horrific abuse they had suffered over the previous 17 hours, they were very much still alive! Perhaps they could still have been salvaged as well, though who could say if a man’s testicles could survive long outside the protective embrace of their scrotum and without all of the cords and cables that usually anchored them in place. 

Mitch lashed out with the bullwhip, striking one, two, three, four more times, and Jack’s bloated and swollen right testicle was severed forever from its owner, dropping very heavily to the cum-flooded floor with a loud and meaty splat. Jack cried out with a truly thunderous bellow of epic agony and loss as he felt half of his mighty manhood ripped from his body. Yet his monumental orgasm continued, though instantly reduced notably in size and volume, as his final nut tried to desperately blow it’s thick and chunky ballast. 

Jack was bucking and thrashing so hard against his restraints that it looked like he might tear himself apart. But Mitch paused only briefly before turning his attention to the young man’s last dangling nut. Unfortunately for Jack, it took another ten lashes to finish off his left nut, dropping his final bowling ball of a gonad into the veritable ocean of procreative fluids covering a vast swath of the concrete floor. As the gigantic bollock fell free, Mitch trembled in pleasure as he shot his own massive hands-free load, signaling his victory over the fallen football hero. 

None of the men were sure when Jack passed out. The sudden and violent loss of his manhood was more than even his mighty body could take, and the handsome young muscle stud had finally, mercifully fallen unconscious. He remained unconscious as four of the men lowered Jack down and cleaned up his battered and broken body, with one of the men trimming away the dangling cords and shreds of scrotal skin — the last remnants of his obliterated manhood — and roughly stitched the raw wound at his crotch closed. Mitch meanwhile picked up the young former stud’s two severed testicles off the floor, amazed that they seemed to weigh even more now that they had been separated from the handsome lad’s spectacular body. He had an enormous glass cylinder filled with preservative fluids waiting in the next room, and he intended to place the glistening white testicles within as a trophy and keepsake, so that he could forever remember and relish this moment. Once the other men had patched Jack up as well as they could, they then pumped him full of antibiotics and additional sedatives, wanting to ensure that he remained unconscious. Finally, they released him from his bonds, placing him on a large wheeled gurney and preparing to secret him back to his college apartment. 

Meanwhile, Jessica Akers smiled contentedly as she watched the proceedings on closed circuit TV from her office. More than a dozen hidden cameras had been trained on young Jack Samson throughout his torment, torture, and unmanning, with each camera recording more than 18 hours of absolutely incredible footage. Jessica herself was still reeling in amazement, and would not have believed the amazing events of the night and morning if she had not seen it herself. The recordings would be added to her vast personal video library — which she used for her own amusement, as well as insurance against any of her clients if they should try to cross her in the future — but she already knew that she would be accessing these recordings again and again and again. She also decided that she would be giving each of her men a $10,000 bonus on top of their usual fee, twice that for Mitch, in recognition of the absolutely stellar work they had accomplished that night. 

As she watched her men wheel Jack’s beautiful but inert form out of the warehouse, she picked up the burner phone on the side of her desk, and dialed a phone number. The cultured voice of a young woman answered on the other end, the sounds of a busy restaurant audible in the background. 

“It is done,” Jessica said before hanging up the phone, and then removing and destroying the phone’s SIM card. She then leaned back in her expensive leather chair and contemplated the ways she could spend the small fortune of money she had just earned… 


Ten years later…

Veronica sat in the shade of an umbrella, gazing across the lush grounds of the estate to watch her eldest children play tennis with Richard. Her husband was more handsome than ever, his masculine beauty having deepened over the years, and her heart swelled with love for him. But she felt that her chest might burst for the love she felt for her children as she watched them laugh and play with their beloved father. They were all spectacularly beautiful and gifted children, ranging in age from infant to age 9, and they all looked like a perfect blend of her and her husband. 

The gorgeous young woman felt a slight pang in her side, and her soft blue eyes gazed down lovingly at her swollen belly, where the next in her large brood of children were steadily maturing. She and Richard had caused quite a stir among the rich and elite when they had decided to have a large family, something very uncommon in today’s world, particularly among the upper crust. The beautiful couple claimed that they simply wanted to avoid having their family lines end, as had almost happened to the two of them, but the reality was that Veronica and Richard both loved being parents, and her husband supported her in having as many children as she wanted. And in the end, though many of the elite quietly gossiped behind their backs, almost everyone was jealous of the wealthy couple, not only for the obvious loving closeness of their relationship, but also for the staggering beauty of their many children. 

Veronica’s first pregnancy had resulted in the birth of fraternal twins, both boys, and she had instantly fallen in love with them both. So much so, in fact, that a few months after their birth, she had decided to become pregnant once more, accessing her hidden canister of frozen sperm to inseminate herself again. And again, and again, and again each subsequent year thereafter. She and Richard now had 12 children — 7 boys and 5 girls — with another two on the way. She had given birth to three sets of fraternal twins already, so her current pregnancy would be the fourth. There was no history of twins in either her or Richard’s family, so she suspected that there must be a genetic predisposition for twins in the canister of frozen sperm that she had kept secret and hidden all these years. 

The beautiful blond woman was still quite young, only in her early 30s, so she knew that she had a decade or more of potential childbearing years ahead of her. And considering the enormous volume of sperm she had harvested on that fateful night with the handsome and charming and impossibly virile Jack Samson, she had MORE than enough of his seminal fluids to sire another dozen children, if she wished! 

Speaking of that remarkable young man, Veronica tried not to think of Jack, but every know and again, her mind would wander back to that epic night of lovemaking. She felt a great deal of gratitude to the young man for having blessed her with so many beautiful children, and so she had secretly followed his life since their brief encounter. 

After Jack Samson had been discovered in his apartment, severely beaten and missing his huge testicles, the media storm that followed had been intense. But the authorities were never able to find any clues as to the identity of Jack’s attackers, let alone anything that would have tied his abduction and castration to her, and so over the months that followed, the media finally moved on. Jack himself had immediately quit football, of course, and also dropped out of college and went into hiding, trying to hide away from the press and the public, and trying to put some semblance of a life back together. 

Veronica had quietly tracked him down, however, and learned that he’d moved to a small rural town in Washington State, where he lived like a hermit. He had continued to take hormone replacement therapy to make up for his lost testicles, so he was just as fantastically handsome — and nearly as muscular — as the night the two had met. But he had never dated anyone else or ever had a romantic relationship again, instead becoming very quiet and introspective, and living on his own. 

Jack had become a very talented carpenter and wood worker, however, and crafted exquisitely beautiful furniture. Perhaps merely out of a desire to secretly have something of their real father in their lives, or perhaps out of a lingering and deeply suppressed sense of guilt, Veronica had amassed quite a collection of Jack Samson’s creations. At least one piece of furniture in each of the children’s bedrooms had been crafted by Jack’s own big, strong, powerful, and talented hands. She always purchased them through a series of intermediaries, was careful that nothing could ever be traced back to her, and always paid well over and above the asking price for each piece. And she was privately very pleased to maintain this secret connection with the fantastically handsome young man, and sometimes found herself absentmindedly stroking the grain of a particularly exquisite piece of furniture, knowing that her delicate hand was gliding over the wood that he had so lovingly and expertly carved. 

Speaking of furniture, with two little ones on the way, it was once again time to select some pieces for the nursery. She had her eye on a magnificently carved four-poster bed for one room, and an elegant low dresser for the other… 


  1. A bullwhip is a fitting way to remove some bull nuts. The anticipation was great. Everyone watching while Mitch expertly strips down Jack's sac and cords. The agony prolonged even as the end draws closer with every strike. Jack's last orgasm pointlessly trying to fertilize something, anything. Mitch holding his own load until the deed was done. Good descriptions all around. At least Jack was taken care of after a fashion by Veronica. I wonder if any of his kids will ever find out who the craftsman is that makes so much of their bedroom furniture. If so, will they wonder why he looks so much like them? Does Mitch ever look at those big balls and wonder if Jack ever had kids? Perhaps to track some down to relive some memories. Mitch might have kids of his own. Maybe one of Mitch's sons wants to outdo his father's record and somehow uncovers Jack's progeny. Perhaps even twins or triplets as massively hung or more than their father. Maybe one of Jack's sons discovers what happened to his brothers and track's down Mitch's sons to return the favor. So many possibilities.

    1. Thank you so much for your detailed comments! And I'm so glad that you enjoyed this chapter!

      As for what comes next, yes, there is always the possibility that Jack's many sons and daughters somehow learn of their true sire, though who knows what consequences that would bring. And would they seek revenge against Mitch and his goons... our be hunted down themselves? And what of Jack's other potential male relatives -- brothers and cousins and uncles, all who might also share his tremendous genetic gifts and staggering male beauty? The possibilities, as they say, are truly almost endless... :)

    2. The possibility that his progeny will also be almost unnaturally well endowed and bull-like as their father is making me aroused already. There could be another tenuous sequel down the track in time

    3. Oh, I can GUARANTEE that Jack's many sons with Veronica will inherit all of their sire's very best features, including his freakishly oversized and power-packed manhood!

  2. Somewhat disappointed that the story ends with Jack still having his enormous cock attached. Since his prostate was unaffected, he can still have erections and ejaculate almost as much as ever; he just can't father any more children. Taking his cock would have meant the only way he'd be able to achieve orgasm is via prostate stimulation.

    1. I often feel that the sense of loss can be even greater when the young man still possesses that status symbol of being a mighty alpha male -- his huge bull cock -- but he is no longer a functioning male. But I definitely understand your point of view, too...

    2. I guess I just don't equate being fertile with being a functioning male. A man is still a functioning male after a vasectomy, and castration followed by HRT is barely different from a vasectomy.

  3. Is the warehouse hiring? I'd switch careers easily...

    1. LOL! Tell you what, please leave your application and resume at the door... ;)

  4. I just imagine the twin getting adult then they are already married. Mitch are mid age guy who still doing some job to castrating mans. And he got a job to destroy the virility of jacks son. Jacks son try to have kids but mitvh dont let it happen..

  5. nice epilogue to see samson still proliferating even after his balls were preserved in a jar

    1. Thanks my friend! Yeah, though he'll never know it, he's still cranking out prime stud babies with the seed she harvested from him all those years ago...

  6. I know this is an old story at this point, but I'd LOVE to see a continuation. Maybe a few virile men actually WANT this? Or perhaps a case where the bull gets turned on at the prospect, and starts egging his torturers to be even more brutal with his massive genitals. Mitch and Co. could prolong the bull's torture for days or even weeks, extracting hundreds of gallons of sperm. They could then make the huge stud watch it get destroyed after his testicles are reduced to nothing more than stains on the floor, or get rich off of the sale of the most virile sperm in human history on the black market. The stud could be kept around to use as a fleshlight or perhaps given injections to get his massive dick hard so he can pound Mitch and friends.

    1. I'd welcome a sequel, or sequels! Mitch is clearly VERY gifted at what he does, and has done it MANY times. You wanna take a first stab at it...?
